Adam Banks

956 7 1

Part 3

The hockey game had finished ten minutes ago and people had flooded out of the rink to wait for the players or head home. The Ducks had won by two and were off to celebrate, already jumping off one another's shoulders in the locker room. Cheers erupted the entire place as boys hollered out, throwing helmets and sticks about. 

Charlie grabbed onto Guy as they hugged it out, calling out as they let their roars of a laugh out. The entirety of the team was overjoyed with happiness at the win they found rather easy to achieve. 

Another victory to add to the books.

Throwing himself down on his chair, Charlie ran a hand through his wavy, damp hair to rid it from his eyes as he threw his head back. Legs extended to stretch as he waited a few minutes to get undressed, wanting a bit of time to relax before he showered. A laugh glued to his cheeks as he glanced around the room filled with his friends and teammates. 

He pointed across the room to Connie, who looked at him with a soft smile and he gave her a signal, to which she nodded. 

He wanted to talk with her once they were out.

"I say we go for pizza!" Lester shouted.

"Team pizza!" Luis threw his gloves off. "Let's gooo!"

"Hold it," Dean chuckled, ripping his elbow pad off. "You my friend are busy, remember?"

Luis thought for a minute, trying to recall what Portman meant by this but then remembered exactly what it was. "Right, right," He points. "Gotta dip, guys." He laughed.

"Boy's got a date!" Russ howled.

"Shut up!"

Reaching for his elbow, he began to get undressed by taking all his upper gear off before finishing with his lower and skates. Once he pried his shoulder pads off, his sweaty tee shirt followed and was tossed into his bag for wash. 

Fulton tossed a water bottle across the benches to Guy, who caught it and bumped Charlie, thanking him quickly. In front of them, Dwayne was bent over facing the locker to put his stuff away one by one unlike the others who were messy. "Say, we invite the others?"

"The girls?" Guy mentioned, reaching for his skate.

"Yeah, why not?" Julie smiled, wishing more girls joined them because sometimes hanging out with the hockey team became too much. "Let's do it."

Charlie sat back, shirtless as he rubbed his shoulder and eyed down the line at Adam. He was in thin sweat pants with a towel draped over his shoulder as he was headed for the showers in a few. Charlie couldn't pry his eyes off his best friend, a lot of questions filling the void in his head as his fist clenched. Fingers gripping his knee as he eyed around, but always came back to Adam.

"Adam, invite that girl from the movies." Averman mentioned, whipping his towel at him.

The captain's blood began to boil slowly as the girl Averman mentioned was a fake, which he finally caught on to. He'd heard the several conversations Julie, Connie, and Y/N had during lunch while sitting among them to put some pieces together. The time Y/N missed out on Saturday shopping because she was 'busy' had him questioning where she really was.

Charlie pursed his lip, unable to keep quiet. "Yeah, wouldn't be the first date, right?" He furrowed his brows.

He was going out on a limb that his assumption was rather true than it was false. A lot of it didn't make sense but some of it definitely did, and if he was going to get to the bottom of it, he would have to stir the pot.

𝓜𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝔂 𝓓𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓼 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now