amusement park?

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V's pov

When I noticed that N and Uzi noticed something I looked at Lizzy and Doll and said ''Shit they heard us'' ''It doesn't matter we can just go in'' said lizzy. Well I didn't think it was that great because I actually wanted to scare them both (at least that's how it was planned) Then Doll said out of nowhere ''Как насчет того, чтобы пойти в парк развлечений, и они заставят друг друга признаться?'' (How about we go to an amusement park and they force each other to confess?) Well, that sounded stupid at first, but when we had no other ideas, we took Doll's idea. As we knocked on the door, we heard someone stand up very slowly and ''STOMP'' to the door. When the door opened we saw it was N and he looked quite surprised. вы с Узи хотите пойти с нами в парк развлечений завтра или послезавтра?(do you and Uzi want to come to the amusement park with us tomorrow or the next day after the next day?) ''Well..uh...I have to see if uzi is feeling better before then... if so then we'll come if no... we'll let you know'' he said and close the door before we could even say anything. ''Wow... with N you can really see that he has feelings I mean he's with her all the time, taking care of her I mean that's no coincidence anymore is it?'' Lizzy said ''Да, это уже не совпадение (Yes, that's really no longer a coincidence) said Doll.

The next Day...

Uzi's pov

I woke up and noticed that the pain had subsided. (Maybe because of the medication the doctor prescribed me?) anyway... I sat up and only then did I realize where I was. I was still on the coutch and N was sleeping next to me. I was about to lie down again when N mumbled something in his sleep. I couldn't understand much of what he said, but I could understand a few words. I understood e.g. stay with me or I have, or something like that. But then I heard a very specific word. My name? ''Uzi... i...'' I didn't hear the rest of the sentence. Was he in a bad dream saying my name? only this thing went through my head and then i woke him up out of panic. ''ugh wha... what? what's going on'' he said in a sleepy voice. ''Oh I thought you...'' I stuttered ''i... I thought you had a bad dream or something because you were mumbling really softly.'' ''No I had a normal dream like every time' ' he said.

N's pov

I didn't want to tell Uzi that it was a nice dream with her... "So? what do we do now?'' uzi asked me and smiled at me ''Lizzy, Doll and V came to my house yesterday and asked if we should go to the amusement park with them and-'' ''YES LET'S GO'' interrupted me uzi with a yell. "Well, do you think you can come? I mean, because of your stomach and the pain you had yesterday," I said, a little worried. "No no, I'm fine," she replied cheerfully, pulling me up from the sofa. "Fine if that's what you want," I said in a voice she really liked^^. "knock knock" someone knocked on the door "I'll open it" said Uzi and went to the door "Thad? big surprise, what are you doing here?' 'I just wanted to see if you were feeling better and visit you,' Thad said. "Come in" said Uzi friendly. When he saw me he said, "Spu buddy, are you alright?" "Yes, I'm alright, thanks." He sat down on the sofa and started talking about what we had been missing. After he finished. he talked to Uzi and somehow I had a weird feeling. "Uhh, I'll go to the kitchen quickly, hehe." "Ok^^," Uzi said quickly, wanting to get back to Thad. I walked into the kitchen and felt like throwing everything down because it was boiling my oil. I then looked over at them and they were talking and it only made me angrier. "Uzi is mine! uzi is only for me! she's only mine... WAIT NO WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?...why does this make me so angry??? Thad is her (almost) best friend, why does it make me angry when he only talks to her???'' All these thoughts drove me insane......... . .................................................. .................................................. ................................................. .. ... .........''N!...are you okay?'' uzi suddenly stood in front of me. I was almost a bit embarrassed that she saw me like that...''well I uhh...'' I squeezed both my index fingers together 👉👈 ''I...I...'' before I could say something interrupted and a distant voice: "I'm going Zi!" Thad shouted. "Okay, see you next time," Uzi called back. "N... tell me what's going on..." Uzi said in a very muddy voice. "I...I." I couldn't get a word out. "Are you jealous that I talked to him but not you?" "WHAT N... NO DEFINITELY NOT," I said loudly, blushing. Well, that was actually the real reason I almost freaked out with anger, but I didn't want to admit it. Uzi grabbed my hands with her hands and then spoke to me very slowly and carefully. "N... you can tell me what's going on... you can trust me, I won't tell anyone..." "Uzi I... I..." I just couldn't say how I felt about her because I'm afraid that she will reject me and I will be all alone...

Uzi's pov

I looked at him worried. "N...I...I just want to help you..." I said, and some blush appeared on my visor. I want to help him but I don't know how if he can't tell me...''so uh...let's go...V, Doll and Lizzy must be waiting for us...'' he tried to change the subject. 'N it's something more serious you've got! we should take care of the problem first-'' ''No no first the fun!'' he interrupted me. ''And then you tell me..?'' ''Maybe...'' ''Please N... I want to talk to you about it...'' ''Fine... but then don't laugh at me...'' ''why should I?'' ''I'll tell you later'' he said simply. knock knock ''Hey you idiots! Are you coming with us today?'' we heard V call outside the door. N opened it and said ''give us a minute'' ''Fine, but hurry up!'' V said sternly. Uzi came and said ''ONE MINUTE'' and slammed the door. I've never seen uzi so upset... somehow she was cute when she's angry. ''uhh... come on N, let's get ready'' she said. Well, let's go then^^

time jump

When we arrived at the amusement park, V said that the first thing we should do was try the rides and pointed to the roller coaster that was the tallest and most violent. When I saw all the loopings and screws on the roller coaster, I paled. I said ''you can go, I'd rather wait'' ''COME WITH YOU NOW! or should i make you do it?'' V said with a very sinister grin on her face. ''NICE NICE!'' I said with an annoyed voice. A while later we tried all the rides and I have to say the first roller coaster isn't as bad as it looks. I actually had a lot of fun^^N looked at me and smiled. He must have forgotten the matter I want to discuss with him

Lizzy's pov

''V... we can't get them to confess to each other because the plan isn't working''why then? V asked ''because the seat we reserved has now been kicked'' ''huh, ok why?'' V asked ''no idea'' I said a little disappointed. ''We can try next time.'' V then said. I looked up at her and smiled

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