Wait... WHAT?

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Uzi's pov

When I saw him like that, so big and so... dangerous... I suddenly froze out of sheer panic. The wolf attacked me again, but one of my wings that had come out safely repelled the attack. The wolf was thrown to the ground and then just lay there (with his back turned to me) When I realized what had happened I was able to move again and looked over at the wolf..........he was moving at once again. I got into a fighting stance on all fours on the ground trying to look as big as possible with my wings spread (I'm quite short) when the wolf got up and got on all fours and tried to attack again he just stared at me . it seemed like he was afraid of me and wouldn't attack me. But then he slowly walked towards me. ''Is it because I'm on all fours and look like a wolf...?'' I thought. He started making strange noises as if trying to communicate with me. I don't know why, but I understood every single word he said... funny... when I saw other wolves coming out from behind him, I was amazed. I walked back a few steps. oh jeh... it's getting hard to move and stand on all fours. When other wolves then came again, it became too much for me and screamed so loud that everything around me was startled and crashed. The big wolf I met first seemed like he was the leader of the pack. I couldn't speak wolfspeak, but for some reason they still understood me and I understood them. this was starting to get a little scary and I ran away (still on all fours) I hopped as fast as I could but they..... WERE FOLLOWING ME??? I was surrounded like out of nowhere. The leader wolf came at me and suddenly shoved my head to the ground with his huge paw. I couldn't move properly anymore. ''If I use it now, I'll hurt myself too'' I thought. ''We know you got him, huh'' the leader said to me. ''What then??? What do you want from me?'' I asked furiously. Before he could say anything, he was thrown away by my powers. everyone watched him crash into a tree and looked at me. Fear developed on their faces. I kept getting uncontrollable and started attacking everything around me. I had that big grin and the solver's symbol on my visor. I sneered and started having fun attacking something. I laughed and laughed more and more until I finally, COMPLETELY, lost control. I've done things I would never do that are so bad I didn't even want to tell N. Everyone tried to flee, a few managed but few of them couldn't keep up and ended up with me. When I suddenly regained consciousness, I was shocked. When I looked behind me, I saw wolves that were badly injured and were only moving weakly. some had less deep wounds and disappeared again when they had the strength to do so. And others... well... ''What... what have I done...'' I stuttered... I was scared of myself and I ran out of the woods.

N's pov

I waited and waited... but she still didn't come. ''Is she in danger....is she lost...should I see if she's alright...?'' All these questions went through my head. ''NO, I'm going to see if she's alright now.'' I said to myself. As I walked out of the pod I saw uzi running like she was running for her life. ''Uzi?'' I yelled from far away from her. I ran towards her and she ran to me. When uzi was almost with me I actually wanted to ask what was going on. but I didn't get to it. She was still running towards me. She jumped on me and hugged me at the same time. she jumped me so hard that we fell and fell, but that didn't stop uzi from hugging me. ''Is everything ok..?'' I asked, ''why did you run to me so quickly?'' I looked at her, she looked at me. Suddenly tears trickled down her eyes and she pressed her face against my chest and hugged me tighter. then.... she started to cry... . It's okay to cry, it's natural, so I knew what was going on right away. ''Did something happen in the forest?'' I asked. "I...I..." she sobbed "I...I attacked her..." then came out of her. "Who?" I asked softly. ''a... pack full of... wolves...'' she said then. ''wolves? do you mean those wolves who... who... who were black...'' came out of me then. ''ye...yes...'' she then said, stuttering. I started to remember...'' was it my old wolf buddies...?'' I then said quietly. ''Your what...?'' said uzi then with a sad tone. ''Before I didn't have anyone to take care of me, they used to play with me because V and J never cared about me..'' I said, looking up at the sky. when i looked at uzi i saw that she got even sadder and scared after i told her that. ''No no! that's fine! I don't have any contact with they anymore anyway, so it's not that bad for me anymore'' I said smiling and tried to cheer her up somehow. ''Uzi...I figured we....well...do something with V or something....hehe...'' I said a bit nervously. she looked up at me, ''shit! Her face looks so sweet and innocent.'' I thought. Her eyes shone bright purple, and I washed away a few of the tears that were still on her face with my hand. "It's going to be fine," I said softly, smiling at her. she smiled back. i had the feeling that i only and i mean REALLY, ONLY spend time WITH HER. I put my hand on her cheek and stroked it. Uzi blushed and I blushed too. until we finally kissed.

When we find each other in the kiss, I looked at her and she looked at me. I got up and helped her get up. We walked back to their colony holding hands. When we saw who opened the door for us, it was... ''THAD?'' Uzi yelled in surprise. ''Well uhh... my dad wanted me to have a job and... that's the only one I'm allowed to do at my age hehe'' thad said. ''okay...'' said Uzi. then thad saw that we were holding hands. ''Oh... are you guys dating?'' Thad said puzzled. ''Yes! We're very close,'' I said. Uzi blushed. ''Nice'' said thad and sighed ''man... i hope i find the love of my life...'' said thad, looking down. ''Anyway... I'd better let you in^^'' he said then and opened the door. we walked in and waved goodbye to thad.

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