The Date 💖

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Uzi's pov

I was at my closet rummaging around for the right dress when V unexpectedly burst in. ''Sooo you and N have your first date today huh...'' she said and then giggled. ''Oah shut up, why are you interested in that at all?'' I looked a little annoyed. ''Well, N keeps talking about you. He always tells me how beautiful you are, and also always talks about how you're way too 'polite' to him." V said, frowning. ''Ok... nice for you'' I said and rummaged further. ''Anyway, I'm going to the girls'' V said, closing the door before leaving. After a while I found a beautiful dark purple dress with nets. I thought it was beautiful and I wore it. I looked at myself in the mirror. But I could only see myself for a very short time before another mirror broke. I sighed and looked at the clock. ''DAMNED! I'M LATE!" I yelled, grabbing my hat and storming out the door. I ran and ran. Until I finally bump into someone. "Sorry.... I'm... in a bit of a hurry," I said while scratching my head. "You don't need that anymore," said a familiar voice that I knew very well. when I looked up it was N. N held out his hand to help me stand up. When I got back up I looked at him more closely. ''Wow... he looked really dapper'' I thought to myself as I blushed. ''He took my hand and asked ''Ready?'' ''Ready!'' I said as we walked together to where N had planned the date.When we arrived we were in a fancy restaurant. This restaurant looked really expensive and I asked him if it was ok to which he just replied ''It's ok, it's all on me'' he said while straightening his tie. Wow.... I was really lucky to have a gentleman like him. We went to the registration and N said ''a table for two please'' ''of course, follow me'' said the waiter and led us to our table. We sat down and started looking around the menu to see what was on the menu. I then decided on a meatloaf, and N took the lasagne de Français (Why once French XD?) We talked a bit more about certain topics until the waiter came over to us. he asked what we wanted to order and we said our orders. Before leaving, he poured champagne into our glasses. N raised the glass and said ''To us'' I did the same and said ''To us'' and we gently clinked the glasses and took a sip. we talked a bit more before the food came

N's pov

When our food arrived we started eating. When I looked at uzi, I saw that her eyes widened. Haha, she seemed to like it ^^ I took another small sip from my glass and enjoyed the food until I noticed something about uzi. ''Uzi... everything alright...?'' .................................... .''Huh what? ah yes i'm fine Just thinking about something for a project at school.'' She then said and smiled ''And what exactly is your project...?'' I then asked curiously. ''Hmmm... I don't know myself yet... but I'm sure I'll think of something'' she said in a slightly excited voice, and continued eating. about half an hour later i noticed that one of my favorite tunes was playing. Since we both had already finished eating, I got up, walked over to uzi, struck a pose, and held out my hand to her. ''May I ask this lady to dance?'' I asked her. She smiled and took my hand ''of course'' she said and smiled at me. Once we were on the dance floor, we started dancing. I enjoyed listening to my favorite tune that I thought I would never hear again.

I only concentrate on uzi, on the music and on the dancing. I let go of everything around me and enjoyed the dancing, the music and Uzi.... she was..... wonderful...... she was cute.... she was...... everything for me. she was my everything. We danced elegantly to the melody until we finally got closer and closer and kissed. It felt like we were floating on a cloud with nothing around us. We stayed like that for a while until I noticed that the melody was slowly coming to an end. when we broke our kiss, i twirled her around a bit without warning her 😅 before the melody was quite over, after all the twirling, I pulled her very close to me. We looked deep into each other's eyes, then we left the dance floor and I paid. As we walked out of the restaurant I asked uzi ''And? how did you like it?'' ''it was just perfect, it couldn't be more perfect'' she said with a smile. She thanked me for the perfect date and gave me a little kiss on the stirk to say goodbye. As she turned to leave I grabbed her arm to stop her. She looked back and I asked in embarrassment ''Do you... maybe want to sleep at my place tonight?'' Uzi turned to me and patted my cheek ''I'm sorry teddy bear but I have school and- '' PLEASEEE! just tonight '' I interrupted her with a beg. She sighed and then smiled. ''Ok, but only for tonight'' she said as she took my hand. I was over the moon and smiled at her with my best smile to show her how happy I was :) So we walked to my house and changed in different rooms. From dapper clothes to comfortable and soft hoddies and shorts. speaking of clothes, uzi forgot her clothes at me she always wear, so she can put them on tomorrow without having to go home again. I then asked uzi how old she is and she proudly said ''I turned 18 a few months ago'' ''AND I DID NOT KNOW ABOUT IT???'' I yelled looking at her with an apologetic look that her didn't get her a present. ''It's ok... I don't like my birthdays anyway.'' she said putting a hand on her hip. ''Oh ok...'' I said but still sad that I didn't give her anything :( ''Ok come, if you want me to stay with you'' she said. we went on my bed and snuggled together very tightly until we fell asleep.

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