Flashback and Panic Attack

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i screamed in pain, i couldn't help it. I was tied to a metal plate. I felt someone tear my arm off, but it regenerated shortly after, but I could feel the pain. Someone rammed a syringe into my core, and whatever was in the syringe smashed into my core. The core overheated and I suffered second degree burns throughout my body. I saw all these people with doctor's coats, glasses and (corona) masks. I screamed in pain but my mouth was shut and I was thrown into the cage. I just lay there, desperate as I was. I had no more strength. my core got hotter and hotter until i passed out. I woke up no idea when and I saw pictures of radiographs of.... ME?? It showed my chest and there was a little weird thing there. but there was no longer a core, it was a... HEART! I suddenly felt someone ram a knife through my stomach from behind.


''ARGHH...!'' I woke up sweaty and screaming from my flashback. On the monitor, my heartbeat was getting faster and faster and my breathing was getting heavier. but by chance a doctor looked into my room in time and saw me in this terrible situation. I was immediately taken to the emergency room and stayed there for the remaining hours.

N's pov

I ran to the hospital with a bouquet of flowerswhich I put together myself. When I enter the entrance I go to the reception and said I wanted to visit ''Uzi Doorman''. She said it wasn't possible at the moment because she had a terrible dream and the doctors have been trying to calm her heartbeat for hours. I said ok and pretended to go to the waiting room, but I went unobtrusively into the dressing room and disguised myself as a doctor. I have a lot of experience in medicine and treatment as (before I was a killer drone) I helped many people physically and spiritually. you could say i had a doctorate. I knew exactly where she was and walked into the room where she was. A total of 5 doctors stood around her, sweating because they really tried to lower your pulse for hours. I talk to them up and tell them to get away from her bed, and i show them my diploma which I happened to have with me. They all step aside and I step forward. 

I slowly started talking to her. ''Uzi... what's wrong with you...?'' she was breathing fast, VERY fast, and she didn't realize I was even there. I put my hand on her forehead and she had a very high fever. ''Hey, you there! Give me a wet rag and the special tool there'' I said to an employee and he immediately set off. I looked at her, very concerned because she really wasn't breathing normally anymore and her pulls were up to almost 500. At this rate a drone would be at her death longest, even me. 

But I'm amazed that it lasted so long. ''I have the stuff'' said the clerk and handed me the things I said. I did everything in a flash and before long I was getting down to business while the others just watched. In less than half an hour, she calmed down and her pulse and breathing dropped more and more until she was finally back to normal. I breathed it in and out and the doctors were amazed. I asked her to step out of the room to have some private time. they left and closed the door. Uzi was completely sweaty and didn't open her eyes. I stroked her forehead and began to speak softly ''Uzi...it's me...N...your boyfriend...I'm here if you need me...'' I said in one voice , which she greatly admired. But suddenly she started doing something I thought she could never do again after the shock she was in... ''N...can I tell you something...?'' she said a very low tone. ''Yes... yes yes yes! you know that you can trust me.'' i said trying to stop her mood with a smile. She said I had to get on her bed first before she could tell me. 

So I climbed onto her bed and sat next to her. Luckily she still had enough strength to sit up herself. then she began to talk. When she told me, she got very emotional too and started crying a lot too and I comforted her by letting her cry into my chest and I hugged her and also patted her head. I was also very shocked when she told me very bad things. When she finished talking, there was silence for a while. until I said something ''Wow...uzi.... I didn't know that you had such a bad and terrible backstory.... I'm really sorry for you....:( ... But!... me glad you told me *blushes*'' uzi looked at me and finally after months! she smiled for the first time. I beamed with happiness and hugged her very much and she hugged me back.''I'm glad .... that I could... tell someone.... I probably wouldn't have been able to hold out much longer." She said while I then took her hands and said that everything would be fine and that it was only a matter of time.

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