The Forest

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V's pov

I giggled when I saw that. "Well... they finally did it." I tried to slip out of hiding as unobtrusively as possible, which ALMOST went wrong, but ended well anyway. I went to my room where Lizzy was already waiting for me. We played a few more rounds of UNO and then she left and I lay down on my bed and tried to sleep.

Uzi's pov

I want pain! I want to hear you scream! I want to kill you to smell the sweet scent of revenge! ''Uzi... that's not you...'' ''Ow! shit, what have you done!?'' My tail grabbed his arm and yanked him out, ''I want revenge for what you did!'' ''What... what have I done uzi?.... uzi.....uzi...'' N snapped me out of my dream. ''Uzi! Uzi wake up!'' he shook me until finally my eyes widened. As I looked at him, tears welled up in my eyes and I hugged N and cried into his chest. He also hugged me and let me keep crying. At some point you only heard a quiet sob from me... ''What happened...?'' he asked me with a worrying voice. ''I... I had a bad dream... about you... and me in my monster form.... I... I hurt you... so much that you screamed...'' I said and was in tears again. It's all good... I'm here... it was just a bad dream... I promise you this will never happen.'' N said in a caring and gentle voice. I looked up at him and then said ''but... I'm a monster... I'm too dangerous and-'' ''You're not a monster uzi... you're one of the nicest and sweetest people I've ever met met and met.'' he told me in a very encouraging voice, and he blushed. I looked at him and smiled at him with a weak but brave smile. I felt a little bit better now. N wiped away my tear on my cheek and looked back with a very relieved smile.

I sank onto his chest. He patted my head and held me with his other arm. Then something came to my mind. ''I... I have to go back...'' ''Where to?'' he asked me ''In the... in the forest'' ''What? why???'' N suddenly asked ''Because...because I need to find out more about the solver'' I said very quietly that you could hardly hear it. ''But I'll come with you, right?'' ''No N, it's just a matter between me and the secrets that should be revealed before it's too late'' I said. ''NO! I won't take no for an answer! What if you hurt yourself or worse...'' N said worried. I rubbed my hand over his cheek and looked deep into his eyes.''N please... it's best if you stay. I don't want anything to happen to you.'' I said softly, hoping he would accept it. After a while he sighed and said ''But please be careful, okay?'' he said. I could hear the fear in his voice. ''N... it won't happen to me as long as I have the solver under control, and I'll be as careful as possible so that I can get back to you safely, ok?'' ''Ok... I'm just really worried ...'' ''You don't have to, I'm careful'' I said then. Before I left I kissed N on the cheek and left the pod. On the way I had the feeling that someone was following me. At first I thought it was N, but I quickly realized that he would never do that until he told me. When I started to get a little restless. nevertheless, i pulled myself together and ran full of courage and panic into the forest. it was dark and everything was full of snow. After I had walked for a while, I suddenly noticed a figure that kept appearing and disappearing again. I panicked and called on my solver powers to be safe. The figure kept getting closer and closer as it crept around me until.... it attacked me. I reacted quickly and skillfully dodged the attack. when i saw the shape as a whole it was a very, VERY big black wolf with sharp and big claws and several spikes on the back.

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