Questions to do ''it''

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N's pov

A few days after healing Uzi with my saliva, I would not leave her side, even more extreme than before. i didn't want horrible things to happen to uzi over and over again. I didn't like to see her crying or sad. I followed her every step, and now that she had moved in with me, it was better for me to protect her or accompany her. 

I had spoken to V a couple of times and she said we didn't have to do it anymore if they didn't want to. But I feel like me and uzi have been together for so long that I want to give it a try. But after a few weeks I noticed that I was losing more and more control over my body when it comes to this 'specific' topic sometimes , if you know what I mean. 

I get more and more aroused when I get too close to uzi and it seems like I really want to do it, even when I don't want to...(I don't know if that makes sense...) But then I decided to talking to uzi about the topic, asking her questions, but also doing it as inconspicuously as possible. I'm sure if she found out what I was up to, she'd probably yell and hit me... But well, I'll try my best.

When I finally somehow managed to convince Uzi, sort of a question-and-answer session with me in our 'bedroom'

She sat down on the bed and I locked the door to make sure no one would barge in while we were asking each other questions. I crawled onto her bed and took her hands in mine. ''Uzi? Are you ready?'' ''Yes! I am!'' said Uzi, who had absolutely no idea what was to come. ''Uzi... but I want you to be honest with me when I ask you questions, ok?'' ''Fine, but don't be surprised if I give answers that I'm sure you don't want to hear'' said she, crossed her arms and arched a digital eyebrow. I sigh and start off with light questions like, ''What was your best experience?'' or ''Did they ever take good care of you?'' stuff like that. 

But then, slowly but surely, I began to steer in the direction that was actually the goal of my plan. I kept asking her weird questions like ''where do you like getting a massage?'' or ''have you ever had a lot of physical contact with someone before?'' stuff that tended towards friendship, sexuality and love. 

But i noticed from uzi's facial expression that she trusted me less and less while i was asking her these things. I also suspect that she also suspected that I was hiding something from her. At some point we were interrupted because someone tried to open the door. but since it was locked, I had to get up and unlock it. it was V. ''Ugh.. what do you want..?'' I asked in an annoyed voice. she didn't answer and immediately pulled me out of the room and yelled to uzi, ''N will be back soon, i have something important to discuss with him'' i saw uzi sitting on the bed confused, but before i could say anything , V pulled me into another room. ''N, I was listening to you covertly and I have to say... HOW DO THESE STRANGE QUESTIONS GO INTO YOUR HEAD?? EXPLAIN THIS RIGHT NOW!!'' She partly yelled at me, but it wasn't a particularly loud yell considering Uzi was close by too. 

"Well I... I..." I stuttered. ''Don't tell me that's what I'm thinking, are you?'' ''W.. what would... be that?'' I kept stuttering. ''OMG N! Why did you wait SO LONG for this???'' ''Well...I don't know...'' I said, fiddling with my fingers. 

''Now are you really going to ask her about things so you can use this informationes when you'er gonna do ''it'' with her?'' V said to which she grinned while I blushed intensely. actually I didn't want to admit it, but since she already knew I had to tell her everything. 

''Well... I think it's a bit of a good idea to quiz them so you can have more ''fun'' 

''PSSSTTT!! Not so loud! Otherwise she'll hear us-'' ''Relax, I'm sure you won't go wrong'' she said as she opened the door. ''Good luck'' she said while grinning and closing the door. I exhaled and walked back to ''our'' bedroom. surprisingly, i saw that uzi was sound asleep since it was in the middle of the Day. I closed the door and let her sleep

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