Truth or Dare

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At the Morning

V's pov

''Hey Lizzy! Hey! wake up lizzy...... hello... wake up........................... WAKE UP NOW!!!'' I yelled straight into her ear ''WH- WHAT-? oh... it's just you.'' she said, sieving her ear as she stood up. Doll said ''(V... next time don't yell like that, I'm not an early riser)'' ''Oh sorry, 😓'' I said while I got up and went to my house which was across the street from Lizzy's house. I got ready and at the same time I wrote N a message. But he wasn't available (so I couldn't send my message without it getting forwarded to him) ''Oh damn! then i have to go by in person'' i said and left my house.

{In N's room}

N's pov

When I woke up I saw Uzi lying next to me (still naked) She was sort of clinging to me so I couldn't get up to change. I stayed like that for a bit and looked at her. then i ran my fingers through her hair to slowly wake her up. ''mgh'' ''good morning biscuits'' I said softly and also a bit quietly. ''Did you sleep well...'' ''mgh... huh... mmm.... morning N'' said uzi, still sleepy. I think you need to start getting ready for school," I said, stroking her cheek. ''mhm... soon...'' she said. I looked at the clock and it was still early enough. 'knock knock' can you open up.... i want to sleep or change'' ''sure'' i said, put on my shirt and my shorts and went to the door. ''sup idiot'' ''o hey V? how are you?'' ''okay, one question, do you want to come to me and lizzy and doll? so we can play truth or dare?'' ''well i could, but uzi has school and-'' ''doesn't uzi have a day off today? Because Lizzy told me that the whole class is free.'' V told me and I was surprised. ''one second please'' i said and stormed into uzi's room. ''Uzi? Are you free today? V told me your whole class was off'' I said but uzi was SLEEPING again (but dressed). ''ok i'll just leave you alone i guess'' i thought to myself and closed the door. when I went back to V I said if we really had to do it this morning because uzi was still asleep. ''No, we can also do it when uzi is awake, otherwise text me ok?'' ''Ok'' I said ''oh and by the way writing, I couldn't reach you before'' ''Oh.. ok then I'll take a look'' I said and she left. I go back into the living room and made breakfast for me and uzi. But I put uzi's breakfast on a nice plate, then on a tray, and then in the oven to keep it warm enough before she gets up. I sat on my couch and scrolled through the channel list a bit. Then I heard noises from my room. ''I guess she's awake again'' I thought, took the tablet out of the oven and went to my room. I knocked on the door and opened it slowly while saying 'good morning again' i smiled and walked into the room while uzi stretched and said 'good morning teddy bear' i giggled and said 'why do you have that nickname' teddy bear' selected for me..?'' ''well... that's because a bear used to be very big like you, and a teddy bear is also very fluffy and you can cuddle it, just like you'' she said and was gave me a look that was just way too cute for me. ''Here, I made you breakfast'' I said with a smile and gave her the tablet. ''awww thank you so much N'' ''haha yes, if you're free today, I wanted to make you happy'' I said and sat down next to uzi on the bed. ''That's right, I completely forgot about that, I really thought I had school'' said Uzi and downright devoured one of the pancakes I made myself. ''Oh, V came over and asked if we should play truth or dare with her, Lizzy and Doll.'' I said. ''Yeah, why not'' she said while eating.


We were all sitting in Lizzy's room and wanted to start. ''Well, everyone knows how truth or duty works'' Everyone: ''Yes'' ''Okay then I'll start'' said Lizzy ''So V, truth or duty?'' V:''hmmm I think I take dare'' Lizzy:'' ok you have to hug Uzi'' V:'' ha! Easier said than done'' V said hugging uzi and uzi hugged her back a bit. I have to say I was a bit jealous. V: So now it's my turn...... Doll, truth or duty?'' Doll:'' (Truth) V:'' Who do you like more, Lizzy or me?'' Doll:'' (Nobody! I like you both exactly the same :D) V:'' Okay'' Doll:'' (Uzi, truth or duty?) Uzi: ''Truth!'' Doll:'' (Ok, have you made out with N before? I mean, have you ever kissed or hugged/cuddled each other a lot?) Uzi:'' yes, actually that's something normal for me. We don't do it every day, but we do it sometimes :)'' I said easily. V:'' Ok, interesting.'' said V. Uzi:'' Ok N, true or duty?'' N:'' ummmm duty :D'' Uzi:'' Ok, I give you the duty, to startled the first person you see outside.'' N:''Ok'' said I get up and leave the apartment. I startled the first drone I saw so hard it passed out. I wanted to help her but another drone came and took care of her. When I came back into the room, the others couldn't stop laughing. I sat back down and asked ''Was I really that loud?'' Everyone: ''Yes'' everyone laughed especially uzi she then clasped my arm and said something I couldn't quite catch that she was laughing so much , and that made everyone else laugh more and more. I just sat there and had to wait for them to settle down, which annoyed me a bit since I was the only boy in the room. When they partially settled, I then said ''Ok Lizzy, truth or duty?'' Lizzy:'' Umm I take truth'' N:''Ok, are you in love with anyone?'' Lizzy:'' No 'Not at all'' Lizzy said easily. Lizzy: Ok, Uzi, truth or duty?'' Uzi: Truth'' Lizzy: "Okay, what does that bite on your neck mean?" Lizzy said, frowning with a smile. Uzi:''Oh that uh.... should be a sign for.... well for what actually?'' N:'' That should be a sign that she is already taken and only belongs to MINE. I said. Lizzy:'' Ok...'' Uzi:'' *sigh* I want to go'' said Uzi. V then said ''come on Uzi at least choose someone one last time before you and N leave. Uzi then said ''Ughh well well well I'll take you V.'' ''Yes!'' said V. Uzi:''Ok V true or duty?'' V:'' duty!'' Uzi: Okay uhmmm.... you have to get up and do an embarrassing dance'' V: oh no never'' Uzi:''You must do it, it's your duty!'' said Uzi and smiled. V:'' Ok OK fine I'll do it!'' said V, got up and started to dance. It was probably very embarrassing for her but I have to say that she didn't dance that bad at all. Eventually she sat back down and looked at Uzi with a small annoyed look on her face. When I wanted to get up to leave (because uzi wanted to at first) she held me and pushed me back down. Uzi: ''One last round!'' she said. V asked me truth or dare, and I took dare. So Uzi.... now you get back what you deserve, because you gave me such a stupid task, I will now give N a task that also has something to do with you'' she said with a very big smile. Uzi:'' bah! I think your duty is not worse than my duty'' said uzi for opinion

author's pov

V turned to N while giving uzi one last very suspicious look. When she finally looked at N and slowly began to talk. ''So N, do you remember when I explained this 'strange' subject to you?'' ''Yeah, what about that....?'' N said slowly, and uzi gave V a close look . ''Well, I'm going to set you the task of doing that with Uzi..... you know what I mean'' when V said that, N and uzi blushed heavily and uzi yelled out ''NO! I WILL.... SO HE, HE WON'T TAKE THIS!'' ''UZI! Duty is duty! That's exactly what you said to me, too'' V said while everyone else started giggling. ''I'll give you, let's say a month. I'm giving you one month to ''do it'' and if you haven't done it in that time there will be huge consequences you can only dream of.'' V said sternly and then smiled (`∇') Uzi threw V gave a very angry look and N noticed that the absolute solver appeared on her eye. N puts his hand on her shoulder but she smacks N's hand away with her shoulder, stands up and angrily stomps away. When they all looked at each other again, N yelled at V ''WELL DONE V! NOW YOU HAVE ANGRY HER! JUST LIKE ME!'' He got up and walked away. He slammed the door so hard that the door almost broke. N sighed and went into his house where he had assumed Uzi was there. But he couldn't find her anywhere. He searched in every room but found her nowhere. Then he guessed that uzi went to her house. He knew where she lived and ran to her house. At the same time, uzi was busy screaming into her pillow and throwing everything down in aggression. When her father came in, he first thought what was going on. ''Uzi what's up? and where is your boyfriend you are always with?'' asked khan. when he saw this mess he said that she can clean everything up right away, but she didn't have to that. Then he left her room

Will everything be okay in the end? And will they do it😏? let yourself be surprised 🥳🎁

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