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Aylas POV:

I can't believe my father texted all those things. I can't imagine how pedri must've felt.

Throwback to the day xavi found out:

„Please mamita, open the door, at least you." I shout and surprisingly I hear the door getting unlocked.
"I will forgive you under one condition" my father said letting me out. "What condition papà?" I ask and we make our way back to the living room where my mum is there too.

"Look, the day you came back my boss recommended me to ask you if you want to fake date with gavi. The club had some problems back then, we committed a lot of hate and another relationship from a player would make the fans go crazy again. The fans would've something to ship yk. We would've get a lot of attention from the media especially the fans again.
First I declined, because my daughter dating a footballer even if it's fake, no way,..how stupid of me, my daughter still dated a player anyway. But now, now I want you to do it and wanna know why, because your sweet boyfriend or whatever, he deserves this. Pedri deserves to suffer watching his girl kissing his best friend even if it's going to be fake. That mother fucker will see the consequences secretly dating my daughter. And you will accept this offer because you owe me this, after the whole lies, after the whole things you did behind my back. I swear to god ayla, if you don't, you won't get to see my face ever again." My father just said and left the room before I could even say anything.

I just burst into tears. My mother hugged me and said "oh chica, what have you done..?". "Mamá I can't, I can't do this to pedri. I love him mum.". "Pssht. No more words about this man anymore. Forget him ayla, or you will loose your father. I gotta go now, he will talk with me about sending you secretly to madrid. He is also mad at me chica. But everything will be fine ayla, if you just accept his offer."

I then went to bed and just started thinking.

My mum is right, I don't have another option left. I just don't know how, how to tell pedri. I know his life will fall apart.
He will hate the idea of me being with his brother even though we will still be together.
I'm gonna tell him tomorrow, he first has to tell gavi that we both are together, I'm pretty aware that gavi will understand, gavi will accept our relationship I mean he has to pedri is like his brother right?...
I will fake date him for a few months, while I'm still together with pedri, secretly.
But that from now on means that we need to be more careful. We have to hide our relationship from my father again.
At least like that I won't not have a problem with my father, because I'm going to do the duty that he wants from me, at least I hope so.After the fake dating thing we will figure it out with pedri how to tell my father then, we will see when it's time.

Throwback ended

I made my way back home. I try to be quite walking back to my room before gavi hears anything.
Him sleeping over at mine is also the part of the contract. They wanted us to go to the club so people officially see us in public together and then they wanted gavi to stay over at mine so the paparazzis can take pictures of us walking into my apartment.
They've thought about every small detail of this fake dating.
Shit. I can't believe gavi likes me. Pedri is right it's not an option to tell gavi about us. But I'm just so scared for pedri, what if the same thing with my father happens with gavi? Pedri couldn't handle it, he loves his best friend so much.
Ugh I really don't know how, but we will go through it with pedri, at least I have him by my side.

The next morning, after we had breakfast with gavi he asked me a question "so today we have a game as you know.. so I thought after that we could go for dinner, for the fake dating contract of course..?".
"Yeah we can" I respond. "Tonight I will stay over at my house I think the fact that I stayed over here yesterday was enough for the media for now.".
"Yeah I think it's all right like that.". "Okay then pedri will pick us up at 5 for the game" gavi tells giving me a soft smile."oh-pedri?" I question. I know I shouldn't have said that out loud but I did because it mare me nervous.
"Yeah? My teammate, don't you remember?" He says in a jokingly way. "Ah, no I just forgot who he was for a second..".

Till the game I was in my room and gavi chilled on the couch. I then got ready, of course I had to wear gavis jersey. I wonder when I will get to wear pedris, my actual mans jersey?

Gavi knocks on my door before he gets inside. "Pedri just texted, he is almost here". "Okay, I'm ready to go." I answer and we make our way downstairs.

As we get in the eyes of pedri meet mine looking at the drivers mirror. He then quickly turns his attention to gavi, who just entered a second later than me, because he opened the door for me first.

The whole ride I didn't talked, just listened to them. They chatted like normal, except the fact that pedri was looking at me from the mirror sometimes, everything was normal.

As we arrived gavi opened the door and handed me out his hand so I can get off the car.
We all started to walk towards the entrance, there were a lot of fans waiting for us to walk through the way, they all were behind the fence. There were also paparazzis which gave the idea to gavi to place his hand on my waist.
As I felt his hand placement whilst we walked, I quickly turned to pedri, it was more like a quick reflex.

The way his eyes immediately filled with pain hurt me so much.

Inside gavi whispered "you know I did that because of the paparazzis right?". "I know".

They both went to the locker room to get ready and I made way to my father which was already standing in the hallway, waiting for me.

"Do you like seeing pedri like this? Can't you see how much this makes him suffer?" I say to my father in a silent tone. "I thought I made clear saying no more words about him coming out of your mouth, ayla. But you know what, I really do like it, to be honest I quiet enjoy how jealous he is whenever gavi is nearby you". "God, you are such a monster." I say making my way to the restroom.

I just needed a minute, alone.
When will this end?

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