Episode 12: The Unfair Treatment

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Narrator:After Nikolai met the Absolute squad and had breakfast with them, he went back to his dorm. Let's see what will happen next.

*Nikolai texted for an hour, then he heard someone knocking on his door*

Nikolai:"Huh? Come in."

*Rapi opens the door, and let herself inside Nikolai's room*

Nikolai:"Rapi? What's up?"

Rapi:"Commander Nikolai. Since you've had an outing with Anis. I was wondering if...you'd like to go on one with me..."

Nikolai:"Huh?! Of course, I'd love that!"

Rapi:"Really? Thank you, Commander Nikolai. What time would work best for you?"

Nikolai:"How about later today?"

Rapi:"Sounds great. I'll see you later then."

*Rapi left Nikolai's room. He got up from his bed, and wondered around the outpost, looking for something to pass the time with*

Nikolai:"I get to go on a date with Rapi..."


Nikolai:"What should I wear? I should dress nice for her."

Anis:"Yikes, buddy."


*Nikolai looked towards his door, and saw Anis standing there*

Anis:"I came to see your reaction, but you are putting a lot of effort into her date than mine."

Nikolai:"It's not that, it's just I thought ours was a group hangout-"

Anis:"It's fine. If you wanna pretend to have a relationship with Nikkes, that's fine."

Nikolai:"I'm not pretending, I wanna have relationships with you girls."

*Both of them paused for a moment, then they blushed*

Anis:"Uh...you realize what you just-"

Nikolai:"I know, I know! I meant I want to get to know all of you!"

Anis:"Sure...most commanders want to build a relationship with their Nikkes. However, the commanders only liked the Nikkes appearances, not their personalities. I say that love has been dead between commanders and Nikkes."

Nikolai:"I guess you also deserve a 'yikes'."

Anis:"Whatever you say, I'll take your yikes with pride, but that's the truth to it."

Nikolai:"And what if there's a commander who likes Nikkes for more than their appearances?"

Anis:"Heh, then you'd be making history. Not even my old commander thought of us like that."

Nikolai(mind):Maybe the commander didn't want to be in a relationship with them? I guess that's one thing I don't agree with.

Nikolai:"As someone who's been single most of my life. I'd fall in love with anyone that gives me attention, so...maybe I'm only a little better."

Anis:"Wow...that's pathetic, and you said it so casually. You could probably make history for something."

Nikolai:"Thanks, I guess. Anyway, I need to get ready."

Anis:"Ok, ok. Have fun on your date."


*Anis stopped at the doorframe, and looked back to Nikolai as he was picking out an outfit, then she left*

Nikolai(mind):For now, I need to focus on the date. I wonder what Rapi has planned...wait, was I supposed to have planned the date?

Nikolai:"Well, I guess a normal dinner would be fine. It worked for Anis's date...but where should we go?!"

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