Ch. 1

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"Are you being completely serious right now?"

"Yes, I am. I'm being dead serious! Let's go, come on just you and me."

"But why would you want to go to Hawaii?"

"To get away! We need a vacation."

"Vacation from what?"

"From life, from all of th-"

"CUT!" I yelled.

"Ugh, what was wrong with this take now, Cat!?" said my good friend Annie.

"Didn't like it, I guess. I don't know I just didn't find it that believable. Put more emotion into it!" I said frustrated.

"Honestly, Catherine you are going to be the death of me! We've been shooting this same scene for 3 hours already. Let's take a break." At this point Annie seemed just as frustrated as I was.

"I suppose you're right. Let's call it a day." I was beginning to get sick of re-watching this same scene with all this arguing and lack of acting talent.

"Well I thought Annie did great!" chimed my brother Jake.

"You could use some work too! Didn't like your acting either." I teasingly said.

"Whatever" Jake said rolling his eyes. "I was fucking amazing!"

"Look all I'm saying is that you two are supposed to be in love and you're trying to convince her to go away with you!" I said trying to convey the type of vibe I wanted for the scene.

"EW." Both Annie and Jake said in unison.

"That's why it's called acting guys. You don't actually have to be in love." I said while packing up all the movie equipment I had brought.

Although I can be quite bitchy and picky when it comes to my stupid home movies I was lucky enough to have the best of friends who would act in them and try their best to listen to my every word. They understood how important this kind of stuff was to me.

We started walking over to my van where the rest of our friends were.

"Are you guys finally done with the vacation scene?! It's been hours!" Alyssa said excitedly walking towards us to help us put all of the equipment in the van.

I could tell she was hoping I would say yes so we can leave. I saw my other two friends Charlie and Will waking up from their nap also hoping we were finished. All my friends always get so bored but what can I say? I'm very passionate about movies, directing and writing. It's all I know.

"No, but I figured I have tortured you guys enough for the day." I jokingly said.

"Great! I think so too." Alyssa said with a smirk on her face.

"I'm starving. Let's go eat." Said Will.

We all hopped into my van and I drove us down the pier to our favorite burger joint. We sat in our usual big booth and the waiter wasted no time asking for our order. They served us our usual drinks, beer, and had the cook start on our food. Although, I was pretty sure they knew we were all underage they did not mind serving us alcohol. That's probably the main reason why we liked coming here a lot. They don't give a fuck about our age.

As we waited for our food the vibe was very melancholy between us. We weren't our usual happy and goofy selves. Normally, we'd be making stupid jokes, teasing each other, telling a story about some meaningless shit that happened to one of us or just talking shit about people we didn't like at our high school. But not this time; we sat in silence for a while just thinking.

"I can't believe this will probably be our last time here all together for a while." Annie said looking down with a sad expression on her face.

"Seriously, man... Like what the fuck are we supposed to do now without our favorite twins living in California?!" Charlie said a bit annoyed.

"Look man I don't know but what can we do? Our parents got this amazing job opportunity in New York. We couldn't be so selfish and tell them not to take it. They looked so happy when they told us about it." Said Jake.

"I know, I know. It just sucks that our best friends have to move on Monday that's all." Charlie retorted.

"Yeah man I mean we've all been together since we were five years old! It's going to be strange to not have you and Cat around." Will said joining in the sad fest.

"Well we'll just have to make the best of our time together until then! We still got three more days. We need to party our fucking asses off this weekend." Alyssa said happily but you can still hear the hint of sadness in her tone.

As they all talked together about how shitty it is that my brother Jake and I have to move to New York I sat in silence. Didn't really hear much of what they were saying since I couldn't stop thinking to myself how different our lives would be now. I mean my friends and I have all visited New York together before and we'd have loads of fun but we've never been there longer than a week. And now my brother and I have to live there without our best friends. We'll need to get familiar with a new school and make new friends. Not that my brother and I weren't social. I knew we'd make new friends easily but I didn't want too. I love the friends we have now. I LOVE living in Southern California. Orange County is where I grew up. It's beautiful, the beaches are amazing and the weed is dank. Not only that but California is the place to be if you want to be in the entertainment industry. My chances of becoming a famous director will be even more of a long shot now that I won't be living an hour away from Los Angeles.

Then all my thoughts were interrupted "Hello? Cat! Are you even listening to me?!" said Alyssa waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry... I was lost in deep thought. What'd you say?" I asked.

"I said what's going on tonight? Any good parties?" Repeated Alyssa.

"It's Southern California on a Friday night, of course there's a good party going on tonight." I replied.

Not to sound cocky but my friends and I are very well liked. There was nothing special about us though we're just a chill group of good looking friends who like to have a good time. I feel like Southern California, especially Orange County, gets a bad rapt about everyone being rich, spoiled, stuck up bitches. But that's not the case at all. I mean there are some people like that but what state or country doesn't have any assholes? For the most part everyone I have met living here have always been so rad.

After finishing up our meal and paying we all got up and sat in my van. I rolled a few joints and we started to smoke.

I took my phone out to check the countless of text messages I get every day from a bunch of different people inviting my friends and I to some party happening that night. I started to scroll through my text messages.

"So Kelsey is having a party at Newport; her parents got a new beach house. Or we can drive down to San Diego since we haven't seen Dave in a while and he's throwing a rager. Oh! How about LA!? Albert is having a party tonight too!" I said.

"Yeah! Let's go to Albert's party." All my friends said.

"All right. LA it is then." I said while I started to drive.

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