Ch. 22

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The sound of birds chirping and the sunlight grazing my face woke me up. As pleasant as that may sound it definitely was not. My head is pounding and I feel like I'm about to vomit not to mention the awful feeling of emptiness where my heart used to be. I sat up. What the fuck am I doing sleeping on the balcony?!

Annie's POV

I was going through my luggage finding an outfit to wear when Alyssa walked in.

"Guess who I hooked up with?!" She practically sang as she fell on Cat's bed.


"Nick! Ugh, he's so dreamy."

I chuckled. "I got lucky too last night." I smirked.

Alyssa gasped. "Ooooh, who?!"

"Before I tell you, you gotta promise you won't tell anyone. He really wanted me to keep it a secret especially from Cat."

She had a suspicious look on her face. "Uhhh, all right."

"I hooked up with Julian last night."

As soon as I said that her eyes widened and a look of horror struck her face.


"Oh my God, what's the big deal?! First Julian and now you are reacting like this. What the hell is wrong with me?!"

"No it's not you, it's Cat."

"What do you mean?"

"Cat likes him. She likes him a lot."

"..... W-what?"

"Dude, she's going to be heart broken."

I giant wave of guilt and regret hit me.

"FUUUCK. I had no idea... She's going to kill me. She'll hate me forever."

"You're her best friend. She's not going to hate you." I gave her a 'are you kidding me'  look. "Well she won't hate you forever just for a really long time maybe."

"I gotta talk to her."

And of course at that moment Cat walked into her room.

"Hey Cat..." We both said in unison.

She didn't say anything, she didn't even looked at me. She walked straight to the bathroom and took a shower.

Alyssa and I looked at each other.

"Do you think she already knows?"

Alyssa shrugged.

We both waited until she came out. When she did she walked straight to her door but before she could leave I stopped her.

"Cat, wait! I need to talk to you."

She turned around and I knew she knew. Her eyes said it all.

"Okay, talk." She replied coldly.

"I, uh, I did something last night that you might not like."

"Like what? Fucking Julian?"

There was a lump in my throat. "Uhh, yeah. How'd you know?"

"I saw you guys. You were making out then you two went in my room and it's not really hard to piece together what happened after that."

"Cat, I am SO sorry. I had no idea you liked him until Alyssa told me a few minutes ago. I would have never had done that if I knew how you felt about him. It was just a stupid one night stand. It meant nothing."

Cat's eyes started to tear up and quickly after she broke down sobbing. She sat at the edge of her bed. Then me and Alyssa sat down with Cat in between us. Alyssa wrapped her arms around her.

"I know you wouldn't have fucked him if you knew but I can't forget about what you did. It hurts, Annie. It really hurts."

I felt so bad. Fuck, I can't believe I did this to her. I wrapped my arms around her too.

"I understand but just so you know your friendship means so much to me. I love you, Cat."

Cat raised her head and looked at me. "Look, I'm mad at you and as of right now things between us just isn't the same. But I'll eventually get over it. You're still my friend. Besides I'm more mad at Julian than you. I hate him. He made me feel so special. He made me feel like we could be something more. He even tried to kiss me a few days ago and then he goes and fucks you. I bet he never really cared about me. I was probably just going to be another fuck to him."

"Cat... I know you probably don't want to hear this right now but I don't think so."

Cat's eyes darkened. She looked mad, real mad.

"Before he left he told me how much he liked you. He begged me not tell you about this in fear of hurting you. He had genuine regret. I was nothing but a drunken mistake to him. I know it's not an excuse but I really do think he cares about you."

She stood up and walked to her vanity. She wiped off her tears and fixed herself up a little.

"Who gives a fuck." She said in a deep monotone voice. "You guys better start packing. Your flight is tonight." Then she walked out the door and Alyssa followed behind.

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