Ch. 37

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Julian's POV

"All your vitals seem to be in good shape. You're good to go." Said the nurse.

Finally, I can get out of this room. I quickly changed my clothes. My mom, Sam and my friends were waiting outside my room.

"Ready to go home?" Asked my mom.

"I can't. I need to see Cat. I'll be home later."

She looked disappointed but she didn't stop me.

"Okay, Jules. We'll see you at home then. Let me know how she's doing and give our regards to her family." Both her and Sam hugged me.

"What room is she in?"

"Room 203." Said Fab.

I followed them then I knocked on her door. The door slowly opened. It was her brother. His eyes were red and puffy. I could tell he didn't get any sleep. Great, he's definitely not going to let us in, especially me.

"Uh, hey man..." I said.

Surprisingly, he opened the door wider and motioned for us to come in. We entered the dim room. I've never seen her body look so lifeless. She was hooked up to a bunch of machines and bruises and cuts covered her skin that was showing. I couldn't imagine what it looks like underneath her hospital gown. She has a neck brace and an arm cast on.

"W-what happened to her? Is s-she okay?"

Jake sighed loudly.

"She's somewhat fine. She has a fractured neck, a broken arm and six broken ribs. She even had a lot of open wounds they had to stitch close. But the doctors were able to save her head injury."

"How long has she been asleep?"

"Since last night. She was awake for a little bit after she got out of surgery."

"Did she say anything?"

"She mumbled a few words I couldn't make out but she did ask if you were okay. I told her you were fine and waiting for her. She seemed kind of out of it. I doubt she'll remember."

Words cannot describe how I feel right now.

"Don't worry, Julian. She's just resting, she'll wake up soon." Jake said in a comforting tone.

"I'm so sorry. I never wanted this to happen to her. I know how close you guys are and I get that you hate me but-"

"I don't hate you, man. I was just upset and this whole accident scared the shit out of me. I've been upset with you since that whole other ordeal you guys went through but honestly I don't care about that shit anymore. I know how much Cat cares about you and after all of this I wouldn't want to upset her by treating her boyfriend like shit. All I care about is my sister, I love her. The fact that she's even alive makes me happy. So let's just put all that shit behind us."

"Yeah, man, I'd like that."

"But seriously STOP hurting her. This is my last warning."

I couldn't tell if he was joking but knowing Jake and after what I did to Cat he's probably more serious he's ever been. DON'T FUCK UP ANYMORE, JULIAN. Especially, if you want to live I'm pretty sure Jake would actually murder me if I did cause any more harm to Cat.

"Where are your parents?" Asked Nick.

"They just went to get some coffee. I texted them saying you guys were here so I'm sure they'll buy you guys something too."

We waited for Cat to wake up. Her parents came back and we continued to wait. Mostly silence but we'd all talk occasionally. Seeing her parents in the state they're in was so unusual. I'm used to seeing them happy and goofy but they were sad and scared. Not only did I hurt Cat but I hurt her entire family too. Even after what I did they still treat me so well. I'd feel a little less bad if one of them would yell at me or something but no, nothing.

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