Ch. 39

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I looked up at the clock and 15 minutes had pass since I've been in the doctor's office waiting for him to come in with my x-rays. I can't believe a whole month has gone by and it's February but what I really can't believe is that I finally get my neck brace and cast removed. It has been annoying being so limited not to mention the fact that everyone around me constantly babied me. I get that they're just trying to help but honestly it became frustrating that no one thought I could to anything on my own. I couldn't even go out, all I did was go to school then went straight home, and Julian made sure that's all I ever did. The guy is all about doing whatever the fuck you want but not this time. He was worse than my parents! He constantly told me what I could and couldn't do, he did everything for me even when I reassured him I was perfectly capable of doing shit on my own, I'm surprised Julian let me use the bathroom alone. Yeah, it was that bad. Come to think of it I never realized how controlling he can be at times but I know he means well. Hopefully now that I finally get all this shit off me today then maybe everyone will lighten up a bit.

"Excited?" My mom asked. She came along to my doctor's appointment.

"YES. You have no idea."

The doctor finally walked in, "All right, let's take a look at your x-rays."

He placed my x-rays in front of a bright light.

"Catherine it seems that all your bones have healed just fine. You will be leaving here today free from your arm cast and neck brace."

I smiled real big when he said that, so did my mom.

The doctor left the room but came back quickly with tools. He sawed off the cast and took off my neck brace.

I took a deep breath and for the first time in a while breathing felt so light.

"Okay, you are good to go. Take it easy for the first few days and if you start feeling any intense pain I want you to come back."

"All right, sounds good!" I said excitedly and jumped off the exam table ready to leave.

"Wait, I have a question." My mom intervened.

Of course she does... I sat back down on the examination table.

"So what are your concerns?" Asked the doctor.

"Well it has nothing to do with her injuries but Catherine here does have a boyfriend now..."

What the hell? Why is she bringing up Julian? The fuck does he have to do with this?

"And, well, I am more than certain they are sexually active-"


"What? I just thought I should mention it. Since you are a young teenager and I can't stop you from doing what you want to do with Julian I think we should talk about putting you on the pill."

"No, need to feel embarrassed, Catherine." Said the doctor. "Your mother is right. If you are going to be sexually active it is a good idea to practice safe sex especially at this age. Now I just need you to answer a few questions for me."

Oh my God... This isn't happening.

"How many times have you had sex?"

"Just once..." I mumbled.

"Really?" My mom was surprised.

"YES, MOM. We had sex once then we got in the accident and it's kinda hard to do anything after that with all the broken bones and what not."

"And did you use any form of protection?" The doctor continued.

"Yeah, we used a condom."

"Good, well I just want to take a urine and blood sample from you and a pap smear just for safe measures. Then I'll prescribe you with birth control."

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