Ch. 24

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Another morning another pointless shitty day to sit through but at least it's Friday. I hate this fucking feeling and each day just gets worse. I have never felt so depressed before in my life. I'm only sixteen! I shouldn't have to feel like this. I didn't think it was possible but I looked much worse than I did yesterday. Fuck it, I tied my hair in a messy bun, didn't put on any make-up and wore sweats and a hoodie to school. I walked into first period and sat down next to Steven and the other girls.

"Holy shit, Cat, what happened to you?" Asked Cassie.

I gave her an evil glare.

"Fuck, sorry I said anything."

"I think you look fine." Said Steven.

I glared at him too. We all knew that wasn't true.

"Okay, I am NOT going to let this happen. Go to the bathroom and I'll meet you there in five minutes."

I was confused. "What? Why? If we leave now we'll be late for class."


And once again the girls dragged me out and brought to the top floor bathroom. We smoked a cigarette while waiting for Tiffany. She came in holding clothes and some shoes.

"So I had these in the trunk of my car. Now put them on."

"Why should I?"

"BECAUSE I SAID SO." And she shoved the clothes into my hands.

I must admit the outfit was super cute. After I put the outfit on they had me sit down while they worked on my hair and make-up.

"You know you don't have to do this. As you could tell from this morning I don't really give a shit."

"Yeah but we do." Said Tiffany. "You were a walking cliché of a heart broken teenager."

"I am a heart broken teenager!"

"You look awful and you're getting worse by the day."

I knew what I looked like... I felt that comment was highly unnecessary.

"Why thank you, Tiffany. What an odd way to kick me when I'm down."

"Don't you want Julian to see how hot you are?!" Said Kayli.

Kayli is definitely too perky for my liking but I can tell she's a sweet girl.

"Not really... No."

"Well if you look good then that asshole will feel even more bad." Added Rachel. "Don't let him see what he's doing to you. I get that you're hurting but don't make it visible especially in front of the person that fucked you over."

These girls are honestly crazy but for some reason they started to make a little sense. Shit, does that make me crazy too?!


Julian's POV

"Dude, you reek of alcohol." Said Nick as he sat down.

"Who cares."

"How much did you drink this morning?"

"I don't know."

"Maybe you should ease up on the drinking, man."

I ignored him.

"Have you tried talking to her yet?"

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

"How'd it go?"

"She slapped me then told me she hated me."

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