Ch. 16

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In two days my best friends will be here in New York! I've been waiting for days. It's so close yet so far but at least being around the guys made the wait more bearable. Every day after school I would find Nick, Fab and Julian waiting next to my van then we'd pick up Nikolai and go to my house. Whenever we got to my house we'd do what we usually do and raid my kitchen for food and go down to the basement.

While they were practicing I could tell they were improving a lot. I could definitely hear the difference from the first time I heard them. But Julian is still struggling with singing and playing the guitar at the same time. They should probably find another guitar player. As they continued to practice I was writing a new screen play.

"You're always writing whenever we're practicing. What is it that you're writing?" Asked Nikolai.

I continued to type away on my computer because I was in the zone and I didn't bother to look at him when I answered.

"I'm writing a movie."

"A movie? What's it about?"

"Well, it's not finished yet... I don't really like talking about my screenplays until I've figured it out myself."

He chuckled. "Well I can't wait to read it when you're done."

I felt a warm body behind me but I didn't care to turn around to see who it was then Julian leaned down from behind me and started to read it. I quickly minimized it and turned to him. My face was inches away from his.

"Not even you can read it until I'm finished." I smirked.

"But I'm curious." Julian whined while giving me his puppy dog eyes. "You always get to hear my unfinished music and I don't say shit about it."

He's so cute whenever he wanted something from me I almost gave in but instead I gave him a blank stare trying to mask the fact that his whining was almost working on me. "That's because you guys are always practicing in MY house. Besides if you're so curious you guys can watch one of my movies that's actually finished."

I pointed to the shelf that held all the movies I owned. "All my original movies are on the bottom shelf."

All four of them walked over to the shelf and started to look through it. Nick pulled one out.

"Another Planet. What's this about?" He asked.

Of all the movies I've made he chose the most amateur one, god dammit.

"Oh I completely forgot about that one... I made it in middle school when I was just starting to get into like writing and filmmaking and shit. It's a Sci-Fi movie. Like a bunch of aliens come to our world and shit and like a group of kids just try to figure out how and why all these weird phenomenon's are happening in their town like what the fuck is killing all their pets and shit like that. It's stupid... I don't know if you should watch it."

I got up and pulled out one of my more recent films off the shelf. "Here watch this one. It's much better." I insisted.

They didn't even bother to look at the film I suggested. They were more interested in the movie Nick chose.

"No, I think we want to watch this one." Nick teasingly said.

"Yeah, man. I fucking love aliens!" Fab said way too excitedly.

I groaned loudly knowing I wasn't going to win this fight. Four against one the odds are definitely not in my favor.

"Aw, come on Kitty Cat!" Smiled Julian while patting on the spot next to him on the couch.

I reluctantly sat down next to him with my arms crossed. "Just so you know I am not happy about this."

Julian put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him. "That's fine with us."

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