Ch. 45

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Oh God... My fucking head. What the fuck did we do last night? All I can remember was going to a bar and everything else is blank from there. Well I know one thing that certainly happened judging by the fact that Julian and I are laying in bed naked together.

I took a shower and dressed in comfortable clothing. I let Julian sleep a little longer while I laid out clothes for him to wear and got our bags ready.

After Julian got ready we all met at the lobby. It was safe to say that we were all feeling the hangover. The miserable look was plastered on all our faces.

"I feel like shit... I am never drinking again." Kayli had her head buried in her hands.

"You say that every time." Replied Tiffany.

"But this time I mean it!"

"Yeah, you always say that too!"

"Let's just get breakfast then start driving." Said Jake.

We ate at some diner and we definitely perked up a bit more. I think all we needed was some food in our system.

Nikolai started the drive this time and Nick sat in the passenger seat.


It took 18 hours but finally we got to we got to Colorado. We didn't want to spend too much time here since we have 12 more hours until we get to Vegas. Tiffany parked in some forest and we decided to take pictures and hike around the area. The mountains were beautiful to say the least. Being in a place like this gave me the urge to smoke. So as we hiked I rolled some blunts for us to share.

After our hike we continued our drive only stopping for gas, food, bathroom breaks and to switch drivers. We were exhausted by the time we got to Vegas but all the hotels and casinos fascinated us. We kept driving down the strip deciding where we should stay.

"Woah, look at the hotels... How the hell can we afford any of these?!" Said Nick.

"Don't worry Cat and I got these bad boys." Jake pulled out our credit cards.

"Dude, dad said not to use it for frivolous spending!"

"We're not! He said to only use it for gas, food, hotels and emergencies. Which is exactly what we're going to use it for, a hotel!"

I was a bit nervous but he did make a point, "I guess you are right..."

Jake pulled up to a hotel called The Venetian.

"This place looks nice." He said.

Jake did all the talking and booked the penthouse suite that had five bedrooms in it. A bell boy took us to our suite while pushing our luggage in a cart.

The suite was huge and super fancy. We stood there gawking at the room as soon as we entered. There was a bar, a living room with a fire place and a grand piano. I wonder what the bedrooms look like.

"Holy shit..." Jake and I said in unison.

"It better be this nice for $500 a night." Said Jake.

"$500?! Dude, dad is going to flip!"

"It's a good thing I used your credit card then..."


"Dad won't be as mad at you than he would with me!"

"Goddammit..." I sighed. "Me and Julian get the master bedroom then."

"Aw, no fair!"

"Should've used your card then, asshole!"

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