Ch. 17

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I woke up to the loud beeps of my alarm. I turned it off immediately. I sat up and saw Julian fast asleep. I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. Julian was still sleeping when I got out of my bathroom. I quickly got ready for school. I tried to wake him up; it took me a few tries. But finally he spoke up and he did not seem too happy.

"It's so early... What do you want?" He grunted while still keeping his eyes shut.

I giggled a bit he's definitely not a morning person. "We have school, Jules."

"But I'm so fucking tired." He whined.

"So am I but you don't hear me complaining!"

"Do we have to go to school?"

I sighed. So much for spending all that time helping him with his homework. I took off the layers of clothes I had on until I was down to my tank top and changed my pants into pajama shorts.

"I suppose we don't have to." I said while crawling back to bed next to him and going under my covers.

He sat up and finally opened his eyes to look at me. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, considering how well I do in school I think I could afford to ditch a day or two. Besides I'm really tired."

He got under my covers and pulled me close to him. As I laid on his chest with his arm around my body we drifted back to sleep.

I woke up and looked at my clock. It's 1pm. Fuck I pretty much wasted most of the day. But at least I woke up in Julian's arms. I knew he was awake because I felt his hand stroking my arm.

"Finally, you're up." He said.

I sat up to stretch my arms and yawn. "Finally? I was awake way before you."

"You hungry?" Asked Julian.

"I'm starving." I said while walking to my kitchen and Julian following behind.

I took out some ingredients from the fridge and pantry and started to make us some sandwiches and mac n cheese.

Julian placed his empty plate on the sink.

"Man, does cooking run in your family?"

I laughed. "Not at all. My dad is an awful cook."

"Well it's a good thing you cook like your mom. That was delicious."

"Thanks." I smiled back at him.

I sat on the living room couch with Julian. I was laying down with my head on his lap. As I flipped through channels on the TV he was playing with my hair. We sat in comfortable silence then I noticed from the corner of my eye that Julian was looking down at me. I looked up at him.


"Nothing." He smiled.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Then why do you keep staring at me?"


"Because why?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "I can't help it. It's impossible to not look at you."

And he does it again. One minute I can be totally comfortable around him then the next minute my heart is racing and my stomach gets all queasy.

"Listen, Cat, I've been wanting to tell you tha-"

Julian was interrupted by the front door slamming open. I sat up to see who it was. It was Jake, Nick, Fab and Niko.

Fab rushed over and jumped on us.

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