Ch. 8

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I was pretty bummed lunch ended. I was really enjoying my time with Nick, Fab and Julian. But at least my next class was AV/Media. If there's anything I'm confident in its writing and working with cameras. I got to class and the teacher wasn't there yet. I looked around and saw Steven. He saw me and waved me over to come sit with him. I was kind of surprised to see him here.

"Happy to see you in this class, Catherine." He smiled.

Not going to lie Steven was a really handsome guy.

"Hey, Steven. Didn't really peg you for a guy into film making."

"Are you kidding me? I love movies! I'm not really good at directing or writing. I'm just real good with a camera and angles. Not too bad at editing either."

We talked until the teacher came in. We were both passionate about movies and we had a lot in common when it came to films. I was beginning to warm up to him. He's actually a really sweet guy.

When the teacher finally got to class he noticed me right away. There weren't too many students in this class compared to the other ones. He asked for my name and I told him who I was. He seemed really excited to have another student.

As the teacher presented his lecture about editing and how to match up the sound with the video correctly I noticed Steven listening and taking notes. He was so into it. I thought it was pretty cool. Especially, since I haven't met another person into this kind of stuff before. After, the lecture the teacher assigned a partner project.

"All right kids before you leave here today I will be assigning a partner project that will be due on Monday. And before any of you ask, YES, you may choose your partners. What I want you to do is create a 3-10 minute video that possesses both a sound and visual component. I really want to see your editing skills with this one. I do not want to see a person's mouth moving while the audio is a half second behind. That shit drives me crazy! I don't care what it is. It can be a commercial, a short film, whatever. Just be creative with it and have fun!"

"So... Catherine." Steven said. "Want to be my partner?"

I smiled back at him. "I'd love too."

We exchanged numbers so we can text each other over the weekend to work on it. He seemed really excited. He hugged me goodbye and we separated ways.

The next two classes really dragged along. Math and Science are my most hated subjects. But finally school was over. I waited outside Jake's car but after 15 minutes I texted him and I didn't get a reply back until 5 minutes later. He told me that soccer practice was running late. Fuck, it's freezing outside and I did not feel like waiting for him nor did I feel familiar with NYC enough to figure out my way back home. So I decided to call my mom to pick me up. As I waited in front of the school a familiar voice called from behind. It was Julian. My stomach started to feel all queasy. I was really happy yet nervous to see him.

"Hey Julian!" Fuck maybe I sounded too excited. KEEP IT COOL, CAT.

"Waiting for your brother?"

"No, he's in soccer practice. I'm waiting for my mom."

I noticed Julian looking at the textbooks I was holding.

"Damn, Catherine. What are you some sort of genius? What grade are you in?"

I laughed. "No, I'm a sophomore. What about you?"

"I'm a Junior..." Then he started to look embarrassed. "I'm a year above you and you take more difficult classes than me." He rambled. "I mean I'm still taking freshman level classes. I don't know man I just fuck up at school a lot. I'm not very smart. This type of shit just doesn't stick to me... And like-"

I felt bad for him. He seemed like he thought he wasn't good enough. I interrupted him in the middle of his sentence.

"Who cares man." I gave him the sweetest smile I could give. "So some people are academically smart and some aren't. It doesn't mean you're stupid. You're probably way better at something than other people. Look everyone's a genius but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree then it'll spend the rest of its life thinking it's an idiot."

He looked at me for a while. God, his stare was giving me goosebumps. I loved the way he looked at me. Then he finally spoke up.

His face softened. "Thanks, Catherine." He sounded really sincere.

"No problem Julian and you can call me Cat if you want."

"You can call me Jules." He smiled.

Then I noticed my mom pull up.

"Okay, Jules. Well it was really nice meeting you today. See you later."

"Bye Cat."

I gave him one last smile and got into my mom's car.

"Who's that boy you were talking to?" Questioned my mom. "He's cute."

I sighed. "Just a guy in my class."

I couldn't get him out of my mind. Julian took over all of my thoughts.

I Will Try My Bestحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن