Ch. 47

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"UGH I can't take this anymore! My legs hurt! We've been walking for hours!"

"Actually Annie it's only been 45 minutes." I pointed at my wrist watch.

But all that got me was a glare from her; it was strange it's the exact same way Cat looks at me when she's mad. These two may hate each other but the more time I spend with them the more I realize they're a lot alike. No wonder why these two used to be friends.

"Maybe if you weren't such a slut then your legs wouldn't be so sore." Cat mumbled.

"What was that!?"


Oh no...

"At least I'm not some weak bitch who goes crawling back to a guy who fucked her over." She sarcastically chuckled, "Honestly, I thought you were better than that."

"Fuck you."

"Julian already did." She smirked.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

"Stop it! You two are driving me insane!" I held Cat back before she did anything I know she'd regret while Annie kept taunting her. "Stop provoking each other! And honestly Annie you were nothing but a drunken fuck so stop bringing it up!"

"Well she's the one calling me a slut..." Annie mumbled.

Cat jerked out of my grasp, "Whatever, just let me go."

We kept walking, none of us talking to each other except for the two insulting the other every five minutes. This is fucking torture and it doesn't help that my own girlfriend is giving me the cold shoulder. Why did I have to fuck Annie that night?! Never going to think with my dick ever again...

Since we're out here alone I might as well try to get these girls to become friends again. Who knows how long we're going to be walking and there is no way I can continue with all these passive aggressive remarks being thrown around. God, they're annoying.

An hour had passed and I still couldn't think of anything that would even remotely get them to be on good terms. My feet were starting to hurt and my stomach was growling.

"I'm tired! Can we rest please?" Whined Annie.

"No." Cat replied almost immediately.

"Actually... I kinda want to rest too...."

Cat gave me the meanest glare.

"Come on, Kitty Cat, let's just rest and talk. Maybe we can finally get to the bottom of this whole thing that's between you two." I gestured at Annie.

"Get to the bottom? It's not that hard to figure out that you two having sex is what pisses me off! But you know what? FINE! Sit here! I for one want to get out of here." Cat stormed off not looking where she was going before I knew it she was about to walk off a ledge.

"Cat!" Annie and I yelled at the same time, both lunging at her trying to catch her.

But that was no use all three of us ended up falling over the edge, rolling down a rocky dirt hill. We were all on top of each other in a pile when we hit the ground. Luckily, the fall wasn't too bad to seriously injure us.

"Ow, that fucking hurt." Said Annie.

"Seriously, my back." Added Cat.

They both tried to get up but I grabbed both of their shoulders to stop them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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