Ch. 32

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It was cold out but I could care less being with Julian and holding his hand was enough to get me through anything. Julian's phone started to ring, he looked at it and mumbled a few cuss words under his breath.

"Hey, man...."

I wasn't sure who it was but I could hear the guy on the other end yelling at him.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, but I had something more important to do."

Heard more yelling again.

"I'll explain later. I gotta go." He hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Just Nikolai."

"Why was he so mad?"

He gave me a look as if he wasn't sure if he should tell me or not.

"Well... He sort of set me up on a date tonight..."

"Really? You were going to go on a blind date?" The thought of that kind of made me laugh.

"What's so funny about that?"

"Nothing... You're just so awkward at first. You probably would've showed up drunk too." I teased.

He laughed. "You're not mad?"

"No? Why should I be? Niko probably set it up to help you out besides at the end of the night you're right here with me."

He stopped walking so he could kiss me. Every time his lips touched mine my heart would skip a beat.

"Speaking of being drunk, how about we get a bottle?"

"It's like you read my mind!" I smiled.

We kept walking until we saw a liquor store. He bought a bottle of Jack and just like old times we walked around drunk except this time we'd occasionally stop to make out in some dark alleyway.


I woke up cuddled up in Julian's arms still wearing my dress and his jacket. I was unaware of my surroundings. We were on a bed, the room was messy and there were a lot of music paraphernalia. Okay, we must be in Julian's room. I looked at Julian and he was completely knocked out and snoring. I went to the bathroom to freshen up; I saw that I had hickey marks all over my neck and collarbone and when I came out I ran into an older but very beautiful tall lady. Holy shit, she looked like a model. This must be his mom.

"Oh hi!" She said sweetly. "I didn't know Jules had company over."

I felt a little awkward running into her especially with the hickey marks all over me.

"Uh, yeah... Hi, Mrs. Casablancas. I'm Catherine."

"That's Julian's father's last name! Just call me Jeanette or Jean. Would you like something to eat?"

I smiled back at her. "Sure, that would be nice."

I followed her but stopped in the living room to look at all the pictures of young Julian. I kept smiling. HE WAS SO ADORABLE.

"I know he used to be so cute but now he's a brooding teenager." She joked.

She made me breakfast and we talked about Julian the entire time. She loved him a lot and I could tell how proud she is of him and his music. I loved all the stories she told, it was like the sweetest thing ever.

"... And when they put him on the horse he-"

"MOM! Please don't tell that story." Julian walked in embarrassed.

"But I love telling it! It's such a funny story."

He gave his mom a look.

"Fine." She pouted. "Help yourself to some breakfast, Jules. It was very nice meeting you Catherine I hope to see you soon." She left to her room.

"Your mom's nice. I like her."

He sat down and started to eat.

"Did you want to do anything today?" I asked.

"Actually, I can't... I'm busy with my mom and step dad. I sort of promised them a few days ago I'd help them out with some shit today."

I was a little a disappointed. "Oh..."

"Sorry." He kissed my cheek. "I'll walk you home though."

"Okay." I smiled.

He finished up eating then we walked to my house. I was kind of sad when we got to my door. I wanted to be around him longer. He was like a drug to me, I couldn't get enough. I can't believe I spent so much time being mad and depressed over him when I could've just been happy with him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him before he left.

We finally pulled apart. "I can't wait to catch up on all the hours I spent missing you." He whispered.

He kissed me one more time then walked back home. I couldn't stop smiling when I entered my house. I ran into my parents as I walked through the kitchen.

"You're finally home, Cat, would you like something to eat?" Asked my mom.

"No, I already ate."

"Why didn't you come home last night?" My dad sounded mad.

"Uh, I, uh fell asleep at a friend's hou-"

"WHAT IS THAT ALL OVER YOUR NECK?!" He was real mad now.

"It's nothing!" I said quickly then I ran to my room.

I took a shower and changed into something more comfortable. Saw my brother on my bed when I came out of the bathroom.

"So... You and Julian, huh?"

I could tell he was about to lecture me.

"Look, I know you don't like him but-"

"I don't just dislike him, I hate him."

I looked down. My brother's opinion means the most to me.

"But..." He continued. "I know you like him a lot so make sure he's not going to fuck you over again... Just be careful, okay?"

"Okay." I smiled.

"And I'll always be here to bash his fucking face in if he does hurt you again." He hugged me.

"So how was the dance? And Steven?"

He shrugged. "Steven left after he told us what happened but the dance was fun. We all got really drunk then went to some party afterwards."

Maybe I should call him and see how he's doing.

"Well I gotta go and hang out with Tiffany. I'll see ya at dinner. Oh and Kitty Cat don't forget to cover up your neck. Seeing that makes me want to punch Julian in the face more than I already do now." He said while walking out of my room.

Right when I was about to call Steven I got a phone call from Kayli asking all about me and Julian. She's way too into my love life.


Fab and I walked out of wind ensemble together. We both saw Julian waiting outside of the band room. Fab looked surprised to see him; he looked even more shocked when he saw us hug but his shocked expression soon turned into a huge smile. When we sat down for health class Fab and Nick kept staring at us waiting for an explanation but Julian and I acted normal as if the past few weeks never happened.

"Nothing, you're really going to say nothing? You guys were two drunk depressed bitches for weeks!" Fab was a little annoyed. I found it funny whenever he gets all snarky.

"What's there to know? We've made up and now we're dating." Julian said nonchalantly.

"Well it's about time! Now everything can go back to normal. I miss practicing in your basement." Said Nick.

"Is that why you guys want me around? You just want to use me for my basement." I joked.

**Enjoy this shitty filler chapter until I have more time between school, work and hanging with friends to write! I'll try and make time this weekend. Maybe expect another update today since I have a few free hours right now, no promises though! Stay classy, my (very few) readers ;)**  

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