Ch. 2

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It was 10:00pm by the time we made it to Albert's house we had already smoked way too many joints during the drive and were completely stoned. So we knew tonight was going to be a great fucking time. Albert was a good friend of ours and his parties were never a let down. We met him a year ago at a party in LA and we all hit it off great as if we were friends for years.

I took the bag of what was left of my weed out of the glove compartment of my car and stuffed it in my pocket then grabbed the two handles of whiskey I had in the back of the van and we made our way to the front door. We could already hear the loud music playing before we even got inside. I always liked going to his house because it was so gorgeous. His dad was a famous song writer back in the day so it didn't really surprise me that he lives in such a beautiful home. We entered the house and it was hazy and instantly we got a whiff of marijuana. There were a bunch of people inside and whenever someone familiar saw us they'd get all excited and say ours names and greet us with hugs. Boy, am I going to miss this. Just going to parties and being around people who we liked and obviously they liked us back. We walked through the living room where a game of beer pong was going on and made our way to the kitchen to drop off the whiskey I had in my hands. There were two huge kegs and a ton of liquor on the counter. As I placed the bottles on the counter I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey!! There's my favorite gang from the OC!" Albert drunkenly said.

My friends and I all turned around. "Albert!!" We all said happily while we each hugged him.

"So glad you guys could make it. It's been too long!"

"What are you talking about, Albert? We just saw you last weekend remember? You came to my house party." Annie said laughing.

"I did? Oh yeah! That's right... Sorry I was a bit fucked up that night. I barely have any memory of it."

"Well it seems like you're probably not going to remember this night either." I jokingly said.

"Well what can I say? I love to fucking party man. Now let's fix your guy's current situation and do some shots, yeah?"

"Yes!" We all said in unison.

A couple of hours passed and after several shots of whiskey, a few games of beer pong we were all way too fucked up. But man, did it feel great. I always felt much happier whenever I was fucked up. Partying and socializing with a bunch of friends and new people you just met would be fun to any high schooler or any young teenager for that matter.

I was feeling real drunk and craving a cigarette. I looked around and didn't see any of my friends. I decided to go outside to the backyard hoping I could bum a cigarette off someone. As I walked out I saw Albert and a few other faces I did not recognize. So obviously I ended up walking towards Albert.

"Yo Albert mind if I bum a cigarette off you?"

"Of course not! Take as many as you'd like." He said as he handed me his pack.

"Thanks man. Being drunk turns me into a chain smoker." I giggled.

"I know what you mean. So how's your new movie coming along?"

"Eh, it's all right, I guess. I probably won't be able to finish it though."

"Really? Why is that? I love your movies man! And I'm not just saying that because I'm your friend. I honestly think you can get somewhere."

"Thanks, that means a lot to me! But I have barely filmed half of it and my family is making the big move to New York on Monday." I said with a glum look on my face.

"WAIT. You and Jake are moving to NYC?!" said Albert with a shocked look on his face.

"Yeah... Our parents got a job there so you know we gotta move out there. And I am really not looking forward to it. I love it here in California. I mean the west coast is the best coast." I said laughing at my own stupid corny joke at the end.

He looked at me sympathetically. "Aw well I'm sorry about that but hey look at the bright side the music scene out there is great! And who knows maybe you may run into a friend of mine that lives out there. He's real cool! If you like me then you'd probably like him too. I met him when I went to that boarding school in Switzerland for six months."

Other than the fact that Albert was funny as hell he was always so positive that's what I liked about him.

"Yeah? Well NYC is pretty big and filled with tons of people. I highly doubt I'd run into your ONE friend there. But thanks for trying to make me feel better."

He started to smile real big. "It's what I try to do! Besides you and your brother are fun and very social I'm sure you'll make friends in no time. Let me know if there is anything else I can say or do to make you feel better!"

I thought for a while. "Actually, yes there is!" I took out the bag of weed out of my pocket. "You can help me smoke the rest of this!"

I didn't think it was possible but his smile got even bigger. "That I can definitely help you with!"

As I started to roll some joints my brother and the rest of my friends made their way to the backyard.

"There you are!" Jake drunkenly yelled. "We've been looking for you!"

"Well here I am. Now calm down and help me and Albert smoke the rest of this." I said to them.

We all got to talking about the whole situation while we got high and chained smoked cigarettes and I started to feel less sad about the move. But it was probably the weed and alcohol that made me feel that way to be honest.

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