Ch. 18

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I grabbed my alarm and threw it to the floor. Shit, I feel so lousy. Everything hurts. I continued to lay in bed wondering what the fuck I did last night. I didn't remember much but what I did remember was what Julian said to me. Every last word. I felt a smile creeping up on my face. Then suddenly my brother barges into my room.

"Caaattt!" Grunted Jake as he fell face first on my bed next to me.

"Quiet! My head is pounding. What do you want?" I said a bit annoyed.

"I haven't felt this shitty in a while. Let's not go to class today."

"But I ditched school yesterday."


Fuck it at this point I could care less. I feel way too hungover to even be up this early. Besides having an extra long Thanksgiving weekend wasn't so bad. I went back to sleep and so did Jake.

As I was in my comfortable deep slumber my eyes instantly shot open.

"YO CAT!" Jake was shaking me.


"We gotta pick up everyone at the airport at 6:00. It's 5:45pm."

"Fuck." I mumbled.

We quickly got ready and hopped into my van. While I was driving my brother got a call from Will telling him that they're waiting in front of terminal two. When we finally got to the airport we saw our friends. I pulled up in front of them and we both got out of the car to greet them. I quickly ran to Annie and Alyssa we probably looked crazy to everyone else. We were squealing and jumping while hugging each other then I gave Will and Charlie each a tight hug. We all got into my van and I started to drive back to the house.

"Where can we get some good New York style pizza." Said Charlie.

"There's a good place a block from our home." Replied Jake.

"Good cause I'm super hungry." Said Annie.

We got to the pizza place and right next to it was a liquor store. As they all went to the pizza parlor to order food I went next door to buy a bottle of Jack, some forties and cigarettes. I walked into the pizza parlor and saw them occupying a booth waiting for our food. I sat down and handed everyone a forty and took a big gulp from the Jack and we passed it around and started conversing like old times.

"Man, I missed you guys so much! And California. How's everything going out west." I asked.

"Nothing's different really." Replied Charlie while taking a big gulp of Jack.

"Yeah, it's a bit more boring though with you two gone and we get invited to less parties." Said Annie.

"But to be honest the parties aren't as good without you guys around anyways." Said Will.

"Oh! Albert wanted us to tell you guys hi! He misses you two." Said Alyssa.

"Aw, man I wish Albert came along." Said Jake.

"Yeah, dude, should've invited him!" I said.

"We did but he had plans with his parents for Thanksgiving and couldn't get out of it." Said Alyssa.

Our large pizza was placed in front of us and we all dove in and ate. We finished our pizza and drinks in record time. By the time we walked out of the pizza parlor we were pretty buzzed.

"Man, let's fucking do something! I'm feeling real buzzed and we're in New York city." Exclaimed Charlie.

We all chuckled. "All right man. Let's walk around and find shit to do." Replied Jake.

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