Ch. 14

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**I know I've posted a chapter 14 before but I decided to change a lot of things. So if you were the few people that read it I hope you find this draft much better!**

SLEEP. That's all I can think about. Even though I took Adderall I'm still just way too fucking tired. History class is going to be the death of me. It's a good thing I decided to sit in the back because I gave up trying to listen and fell asleep then I felt someone nudging my arm.

"Cat! Hey, Cat wake up!" It was Steven.

I rubbed my eyes. "Oh hey Steven. What's up?"

He laughed at me. "Cat, class is over."

I looked around and saw most of the students gone.

"Oh, shit. Thanks for waking me up, man."

He walked me to my next class.

"Long night?" He asked.

"Yeah.... To be honest I still may be a little drunk too." I chuckled.

"Damn, Cat we gotta party sometime."

"Yeah, man. I'm down."

We got to my class.

"Well see you later!"

"See ya, Steven."

I entered English and saw Jake asleep at his desk. I sat next to him and did the same.

"Excuse me! EXCUSE ME!" I heard a loud smack on my desk.

I suddenly jolted up and Jake did the same.

It was the teacher. "Well it's nice of the Buckingham twins to finally join us. Please try and pay attention."

We both apologized and somehow managed to stay up the rest of the period. After class Jake and I knew we needed to take more Adderall so we quickly walked over to his car and did a few bumps. We hoped snorting it would have a better effect on us. He took a few pills with him just in case and he gave me some too. We got to wind ensemble a few minutes late. I looked around hoping to see Fab but he was nowhere to be seen. Damn, if Fab isn't at school then most likely the other two aren't either. In the middle of the song the band was practicing I felt a wave of energy and focus. YES! Finally, the Adderall is working. Thank god, playing all this classical music was making me very sleepy. I noticed Jake was much more awake too. When band ended I went to health. As I walked in I saw Julian I sat down next to him and he looked real tired well more tired than usual.

"Why do you look so shocked to see me?" Asked Julian.

"I just didn't expect you to be in class. We were out really late."

The teacher started to walk around to collect the homework. I took out the health homework Jake did for me and Julian took out his homework too.

I gave him another shocked look. "Wow, you did your homework too?!"

He gave me a tired smile. "Fuck, do I really give off that much of an impression that I'm a slacker?"

I laughed. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

"It's cool you're right to think that way. But I want to start doing better in school. Actually, you make me want to do better."

My heart felt so full knowing what I was doing to him.

I smiled at him. "That's great, Jules." I wanted to say more but I couldn't find the words.

I wish he only knew what he was doing to me. The more I was around him the more I felt.... Well it's kind of hard to explain really. I don't think even I know how I'm feeling. It's something I've never felt before. It's strange but I like it. Julian made me feel happy and hopeful but vulnerable all at the same time. Fuck, I don't know. Being 16 and in high school sucks, I wish I was older and wiser to understand my own feelings.

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