Ch. 38

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"Jules, you're awful at this game."

"Hey... Give me a break this is based on pure luck." He pouted.

"Then why do you want to keep playing? You know I'm going to win."

"What else are we going to do in this room?"

I sighed loudly. "B-7."

His brows furrowed. "You sunk my battleship."

"Don't you have any other games?"

"Nope this is the only one I have."

"Well I'm over it. We've been playing this for days."

"Yeah, me too." He sighed.

"Aren't your parents going to get mad? You haven't been home since you were brought in here."

"That's not true. I went home a few times."

"Yeah, to shower and get extra clothes then you'd come right back."

"Why? You don't want me around anymore?" He questioned. It seemed like he was about to get mad.

I giggled. "No, I just don't want you to get in trouble and sleeping here must be uncomfortable."

He shrugged. "I don't mind besides tomorrow is Christmas. You're stuck in this shitty hospital and there's no way you're going to spend the holidays without me."

He came closer and kissed me. God, I wish I wasn't in this hospital bed with all this shit on me. I'd be all over him right now.

He got off my bed and he pulled out some of my clothes and my converse from his backpack.

"What are you doing with my stuff?"

"Stopped by your house to get some clothes for you."

He handed me my hoodie and sweatpants.

"Put them on."


"We're going out on the roof."

"I don't think I'm even allowed to leave my room."

"You know you want to."

"But... What if we get caught?"

"Don't worry its 8pm most of the patients are sleeping and the nurses are either in the breakroom or out back smoking."

"How do you know?"

"Sometimes when you're asleep I'll wander around and I noticed the usual routine and found access to the roof."

I felt a little unsure about this but at this point anything is better than being in this room.

"You promise we won't get in trouble?"

"I promise." He smiled.

I pulled off the three wires connected to me that were attached to the heart monitor and got out of bed. I removed my hospital gown and I could feel Julian staring at me. I felt embarrassed considering all the scars and stitches I had. I felt his fingers lightly graze a scar on my back.

"Does it hurt?" He asked.

"Not as much anymore."

I had a hard time dressing myself because of this stupid neck brace and arm cast. Not to mention the fact I could barely move my upper body because of my ribs. This is fucking hell.

"Need help?" He chuckled.

"Kind of..." I blushed.

As he dressed me he kissed the tiny scars and cuts on my shoulders.

I Will Try My BestTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang