Ch. 41

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-Hey so when do you think you'll have time to start filming?

-Uhm I'm not sure I've been real busy with Julian but I'll let you know

I have been giving Steven excuses lately mainly because I don't know how to say 'hey so my boyfriend hates you so I can't see you anymore' and also because I'm hoping maybe I'll be able to change Julian's mind or I can somehow go behind his back and help Steven with his movie. Although, I'd rather not do that last option. Hopefully, it won't have to go down that road.

-Oh... All right. Let me know soon though :)

"Stop texting and pay attention to me!" Whined Julian.

I rolled my eyes. "All I do is give you attention."

He chuckled. "Who are you texting anyways?"

"Just Tiffany."

I put my phone in my purse and continued to have dinner with Julian. Should I have told him the truth? If I did it probably would've started a pointless fight.

"What should we do over the summer?" He asked.

"I don't know. We should go on a trip or something!"

"That actually sounds like a great idea. Especially with your van we could do like a road trip. We gotta invite the guys."

"Where would we go?" I asked.

"Where do you want to go?"

I thought for a bit. "California!" I smiled.

"Cross country road trip?" He furrowed his brows. "Sounds tiring."

"Hey, man, you gotta get used to it. The way I see your future you're going to be a huge rock star and you're going to be on the road a lot. So you better experience it now and what better way than with your best friends and girl friend?"

He smiled really big. "Well I guess we better inform the guys then."

*Short chapter, I know, SORRY. But I promise the next few chapters will make up for it :) idk when I'll have time to write. Going to Vegas tomorrow with my friends and won't be back til Sunday. Then of course school and work after that.

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