Ch. 29

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Nikolai was right. Making the effort to go out and have a good time really did help. I don't feel as sad as I used to be. In fact, the thought of Julian doesn't even hurt anymore. Actually, now that I think about it I haven't thought about him since the sleepover. I know it's only been a few days but he used to be on my mind 24/7.

I walked into first period and sat down next to everyone.

"Well you look much happier!" Said Rachel.

"Yeah... I actually feel much happier." I smiled.

Steven put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. "Glad, you're back."


After school I saw Steven in the hallway.

"Hey!" I smiled. "Heading to soccer practice?"

"Yeah, you should come and watch one of our games sometime."

"Yeah, maybe I will."

We were about to separate ways.

"Steven, wait!" He turned around to face me.

"I've been thinking... And I do want to go to the dance with you this Saturday."

I've never seen him smile so big.

"Really?! You don't know how happy that makes me. I was beginning to worry that I wouldn't have a date." He joked.

He hugged me so tight I thought I was going to pass out. He let go and went to practice. I called the girls and told them to meet me at my van. When I got there they were already waiting.

"Have you guys gone dress shopping yet for formal?" I asked.

They all gave me an excited look. "No... Why?!" Asked Kayli.

"Well I decided to go with Steven and-"

They screamed and hugged me. I know they do this a lot but I still can't get used to it.

"All right, I get it, you're excited now get off of me."

I got in my van and rolled down the window.

"Get in losers, we're going shopping."

Nick's POV

"Goddamn, it's so cold!" I saw my own breath as I spoke.

"Well what do you expect? It's December." Replied Fab.

"I know I just miss getting rides from Cat. I fucking hate walking."

"Stop complaining we're almost at Julian's."

When we got to his house his door was unlocked. Honestly, he needs to remember to lock it. One of these days he's going to come home to an empty apartment. We went into his room and he was still asleep. That doesn't surprise me at all. Fab woke him up.

"How the fuck did you guys get in here? I'm trying to sleep."

"Because you always leave you door unlocked, stupid." I said.

"Dude, it's like 4pm. GET UP!" Fab yelled.

"I don't wanna..."

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" I rolled him off his bed.

"FUCK! That hurt." Julian said while getting up.

He went to the bathroom to freshen up.

"Look at this place. He should really clean his room."

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