Ch. 10

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We got to my house and I led Julian downstairs to the basement. His eyes got real big when he saw all the equipment I had.

"Woah, Cat. These instruments... They're fucking rad."

I chuckled. "Thanks, my parents bought me all this as a 'sorry you had to leave all your friends and the state that you love and uproot your ass to the other side of the country' present."

He laughed "Well damn that's pretty cool of them. They must love you a lot."

Never really thought of it that way. Don't get me wrong I love my parents and I appreciate everything they do for me but I always thought of it as that they owed it to me for ruining my life instead of them doing it simply because they love me and support the things that I do.

"Yeah... I guess it is pretty cool of them." I agreed.

He walked over to the piano and started to play. He was really good.

"Dude you should let me and my band practice here sometime" He asked.

"So you write music and you're in a band?" Damn that's hot.

"Yeah me, Fab, Nick and our friend Nikolai jam together a lot. We don't have a name yet though."

Then the idea dawned on me. "A music video!" I said out loud.

Julian looked at me confused. "What?"

"A music video! We can like do a music video. It's a project for my audio visual/media class. Do you think you and your friends would be down to help me? We can like record the song and then I can shoot you guys playing it."

"Sure, Cat." He smiled. "Let me just text them."

He told me that his friends agreed and they were coming over. I texted Steven and told him about my idea and he thought it was great. I was so excited.

"All right, well I texted my partner about my idea and he'll be over in a bit. He just has to finish up writing some essay for school."

"Your partner?" Questioned Julian.

"Yeah, it's a partner project. Don't worry he's real chill."

"Oh, okay."

We sat on the couch together. We were so close our legs were touching and we got to know each other even more. He continued to talk about music then he asked me what I was passionate about and of course I went on and on about movies. The more I got to know him the more I liked him. He's like the coolest guy I've ever met. He constantly looked like he never gave a fuck about anything and always seemed self-unaware but that wasn't the case at all. He cared a lot about shit you wouldn't expect and was more aware of everything around him than he lead on. He was really dorky at times too. It was so cute. As the conversation progressed we just talked about random shit and joked around a lot.

His friends arrived which kind of bummed me out. I was enjoying the alone time with Julian. I went upstairs to let them in.

"Yo, Catherine! Thanks for inviting us." Said Nick.

"Yeah, thanks!" Chimed Fab.

"Hey, I'm Nikolai." Said the shy new face.

"Hi, I'm Catherine but call me Cat" I shook his hand.

They followed me down to the basement.

"Wow..." Nikolai looked impressed.

"Holy shit Cat this is fucking amazing." Said Fab.

"Yeah, dude sweet set up." Agreed Nick.

"Thanks. We're just waiting for my project partner to arrive. He'll be here in a bit."

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