Chapter 13 the record recorder

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3rd pov

Kie was now coming down. The boys were already there, ready to catch the girl.

As she was now safe back on the ground. She had a package in her hand.

''well, that's not the gold''. ''yeah good eye JJ'', Pope said to the blonde haired boy.

''no it's something better''. The group looked at RJ except his brother, who also had his eyes on the package.

''uhm RJ my boy. You are looking at a package right? It's not the gold, how can it be better''. ''because it's our dad's JJ'', John B said as he looked up from the package on to his friends.

''it indeed is''.

A light was suddenly lighted on. It was close to them, then they heard a car coming. ''shit, guys not to ruin what moment this is we gotta go. It's code red, I repeat code red'', Pope spoke up.

''square groupers. I repeat square groupers'', a high JJ said a little loud. RJ took the boy by his collar. ''shut up JJ. You shouldn't have smoked that much dude. Now if you want to talk, you better whisper''. JJ nodded at him. RJ let him go.

''it looks like it's the guys who were in her house and Lana's, RJ''. ''shit'', the boy muttered under his breath.

''turn your light off'', Kie demanded.

They all did, but JJ. ''JJ turn off the light'', Pope said but the Maybank boy didn't nudge.

''JJ man if you don't fucking turn that light off, I will take all of your weed and toss it into the ocean''. As RJ said that the boy turned the light of instantly.

''should have said that first'', Pope said to himself.

Suddenly they heard a man's voice. ''hey I think I see something, follow me''.

RJ was scared but he didn't let his friends nor brother see it. No, he was not going to show fear.

''is it them?'', Kie asked the group.

''good question Kie. It looks like it, they do got a gun so'', JJ said snickering. ''JJ'', JB said in a threatening tone. ''noted. JJ shut yourself up''.

''you know what screw this. Come on guys run for it''. As Kie said that all of them began to run. JJ was surprisingly the fastest. ''come on guys, hurry up. I don't want to get in serious trouble because of you''.

''right here''. One of the men yelled and began to look around more. They found the door the teens were right at. Thankfully they were not there anymore.

As they were running, the came through cracked fence and went through it. All of them were almost out, but then they heard Pope. ''guys I need help, I'm stuck''.

All of them turned around looking at Pope who was in fact stuck. ''shit'', Kie muttered.

They went to get him and dragged him out. ''damn boy, may wanna take your training on hold there Pope'', JJ said giving him a devilish smile.

''fuck you JJ''. ''eh, always JJ who gets the blame'', the Maybank said to himself. As they were sprinting to the twinkie. They noticed Pope's pants were ripped.

''dude that's cute spider man boxers, dig the look. Looking like a little tootsie roll'', JJ snickered at him. ''JJ''. ''just come on and get in the car''.

They did as JB said and went inside and drove off back to the chetau.


As they came to the chetau. JJ went immediately to the kitchen and got himself a sandwich. As the Maybank boy sat down, all eyes were on him. ''what now?''. ''I saw that bread had mold in it like three days ago''.

''so, what Pope? I'll pull of the bad parts, and you know what. Mold is good for you, it is a natural organism''.

Kie who was so done with hearing they conversation spoke up. ''JJ focus''. ''yeah sorry. Let's do this shit''.

JB and RJ looked at the boy and just shook their head at him. ''let's unpack this package'', JB said turning from JJ to his brother. He just nodded.

The brothers began to open it.

They saw a map. ''shit'', JB said. ''x marks the spot'', Pope said pointing to the x in the map. As they looked close RJ saw something else. ''there is something else in there'', he said as he reached for the item.

JJ looked as his best friend picked it up ''ooo, what is that?'', he asked clueless. Kie rolled her eyes at him. ''it's a record recorder smartass. You know what that is?''. Now JJ rolled his eyes at the girl. ''of course I do. Do you?''. She just looked at him like if he was joking.

''please be quiet I'm setting the tape on now'', RJ said to them both.

''dear bird, monkey'', the voice of their father said.

JJ looked at the two. ''who the hell is bird and monkey''. ''us'', John B replied. ''wait whose who?''. ''JB is bird and I'm monkey''. ''why monkey?''. RJ sighed. ''because when I was little I used to climb and growl, playing around. Dad used that nickname for me because of that and JB bird. Now let's listen JJ''.

I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so boys. You both doubted your old man huh. I suspect at this moment you both are filled with guilt and self loathing over the fight we all had before I went. Don't kill yourself just yet kids. I didn't expect to find the merchant myself either. Wasn't exactly father of the year for the both of you, so I understand why you called me out''.

''I'm sorry'', RJ muttered under his breath.

''what can I say kids? I could smell the barn. Hopefully we're listening to this in our brand new sugar shack down in Costa Rica. Living off passive investments and pulling on permits'', then it got cut off by a sigh.

''if not and you both find this, for less than optimal reasons. Well, therefore the map you know possess. There she is, the wreck of the merchant. If something did happen to me, finish what I started boys. Go for the gold. I love both of you so much bird, monkey. I know I didn't always act on it, but I do. I'll see you on the other side, sons''.

As he said that they heard in the background a car coming and then the tape cracked.

John B began to get tears in his eyes. He walked away only to stop by the door, holding on to the knob.

RJ's breath began to get more heavy. He collapsed right on the floor on his ass. He took his hand through his hair.

''holy shit. He found it. Big John actually found the treasure. Wohoo. He found the merchant'', JJ began to shout.

Kie looked at him with shock in her eyes. ''JJ can you not... please not now'', she said referring to the two brother's that was devastated.

JJ looked at his best friends and he began to regret what he said. ''shit I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't think''.

''clearly you didn't'', Pope said.

Kie went over to RJ. ''hey RJ look at me it's okay''. He looked up at her and she could see the tears on his face. She took him in her embrace.

There he also saw JB on the other side getting comforted by Pope. Seeing his brother on the other side being devastated, was not something he wanted to be real. But it was, it was real. His father, he was gone. As much as he hoped, that got smashed away when he played the recorder.

All the Routledge's boys could do now was to do what they father wanted them to. Go for the gold.

To be continued

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