Chapter 7

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"Some scars are healed physically but mentally,I could never move on."

Meera was waiting in the living room for the reports.She was scared,she didn't want the reports to be positive.Rishab entered the home and saw Meera and he sat beside her and she looked at him.

A maid gave him a glass of water.He gulped the whole content down his throat.Meera looked at him and he sighed.Meera was about to ask him but then her phone rang.

"Hello Meera"The person from the other side spoke.

"Hello!Who's this speaking?"Meera asked.

"Did you just forget me?"The person said and started laughing.Meera was about to reply when he spoke again.

"Was I that Easy to forget, Jellybean"The guy asked and all the colour faded from her face.Rishab looked at her and she smiled.

"Don't you dare call me that!"She whispered- yelled and he laughed.She declined the call and sat there.Her breathing unevenly.Rishab held her hand when he felt her breathing getting uneven.

Meera held on his hand tighter."Where is your inhaler,Meera?"He asked while she pointed towards the kitchen cabinet.Rishab yelled and asked a maid to bring the inhaler.

The maid passed the inhaler to Rishab who gave it to Meera.She closed her eyes while Rishab patted her cheeks.She opened her eyes and he helped her use the inhale.Her hands was shivering.

She took deep breaths and he held her in bridal style and went to the room.Meera sat on bed and looked at Rishab and held his hands.

"What's in the reports?"Meera asked and Rishab looked at her and passed the phone to her.He didn't see the reports as he was driving when he got the notification.

Meera opened the report and she saw it and passed it to Rishab.He looked at her while her eyes were down the entire time.

"We are pregnant"Rishab said but it sounded more of an question.Meera looked at him,her hand automatically touched her belly.

"How!?"Rishab said and Meera looked at him.She was pregnant.There is an life growing inside of her.She held his hand and kept it on her belly but he took his hand away.

Rishab stood up and left the room and Meera sat on the bed feeling certain emotions.They aren't ready for this.Meera sat while a maid entered and asked for dinner.

Meera asked her to prepare something light and told them not to disturb her.Meera laid down on the bed and looked at the ceiling,crying at her fate.Many thoughts were surrounded in her mind.

She was pregnant,Is she happy?She thought and the answer was yes.She always dreamt of a happy family with Rishab but not when she is not well,their relationship is broken.

She took her phone and texted Aarohi who video called her.Meera picked up the call and greeted each other.

"Is Ayu there with you?"Meera asked and Aarohi nodded her head negatively.

"Aaru,I'm tired of everything.Today we went to hospital and we got the reports and it says that I'm pregnant."Meera said and Aarohi looked at her and started giving flying kisses to her.

"Congratulations Baby!"Aarohi said and A sob escaped Meera's lips.Aarohi looked at her as tears started streaming down her eyes.Meera's heart clenched.She didn't know how she is going to face this.

"Meera baby!!Tell me what happened?"Aarohi asked and Meera nodded and used her inhaler.

"You're an asthma patient"Aarohi asked and Meera nodded.

"I need to get this off my chest.It was during our honeymoon............I'm fucking tired."Meera said as she was already in tears.Aarohi too had tears in her eyes.Meera felt a little light and she cried.Her heart clenched.

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