Chapter 10

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Meera looked at Kriya who was crying.Meera hugged her and tried to calm her down.Meera didn't want anyone to hate him.She would never be a home wrecker.Meera was hugging Kriya when she felt Kriya's breath uneven.Meera slightly patted her back.

"Why?"Kriya asked and Meera hugged her and then wiped her tears.Kriya sat straight and held Meera's hand and spoke.

"Bhabhi I love you.You were always there for me and If you ever need me I'll never leave your side.I'm sorry"Kriya said while Meera looked in her eyes.

"I know.Just remember one thing.This is just our bad phase.You should not hate your brother just because how he treats me.Apparently,For him your his first child.He could never bare your hatred."

Meera said while Kriya nodded.She do remember what happened a year ago.

Kriya and Meera were walking on the street.They decided to shop from local market and now they were heading towards home when few guys came there and started teasing them.

"Get lo--"Kriya was about to say when a guy hit her behind the head.Meera gasped and held Kriya who was losing her consciousness.

"Kriya get up!!Kiu"Meera patted her cheeks.

"Give us all your jewelry"The guy asked while Meera looked at them.She cursed her fate for not bringing bodyguards with them today.She gave all her belongings to them except her engagement ring and nuptial chain.

A guy came forward and snatched the nuptial chain from her neck.They were about to leave when a guy came forward and ran his fingers on Meera's face.Meera pushed his hand away while she held Kriya in her lap closely.

The guy who ran the finger was angry by her behaviour so he pulled Meera's hair.Meera yelled in pain.The guy tried to touch her when Meera got some flashback.Meera pushed him harder and stood up and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

She quickly took her phone and called Rishab.He picked up the phone after three rings.

"Rishab ji ple----Aahh!Leave me"Meera yelled when a guy pulled her hair and she fell down.Meera tried to push them but the guy slapped her hard as blood started oozing from the corner of her lips.

"Meera!Kidar ho aaplog?Meera,Kiu"Rishab yelled through his phone.He was afraid that something might happen to them.Rishab quickly drove to the local market.

A guy went towards Kriya but Meera pulled his leg that he fell down on his stomach."Don't you dare touch her.I'll skin you guys alive"Meera said while all the guys started laughing.

The guy who fell down when towards Meera and pulled her hair.Meera tried to get out of his grip but when she couldn't she bit him hard.He yelled in pain and moved away from her.

"Wild cat huh?I love to tame them"The guy who looked like the leader came forward but then they heard the police siren.All the guys looked at each other and ran from there.

Meera sighed and went towards Kriya who was half concious.Her head was hurting due to those harsh pulls.She held Kriya and kept her head on her lap and searched her phone.She took the phone and called Rishab but his phone was busy.

The police came there and helped Meera and Kriya and took them to hospital.Meera was seated in the front of the operation room.Kriya had 5-6 stiches and due to blood loss,the blood was brought form blood bank.

Meera was sitting there when the doctor came out.Meera stood up and went near the doctor who was speaking to the nurse.

"How's my sister-in-law?"Meera asked.

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