Chapter 48

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Stepping foot on a territory known to belong to a rival should have been enough to humble anyone yet as soon as he walked into the filming set, the attention he got couldn't help but inflate his ego.

It was a delight to know that, even in a space where he could have no business being, his mere presence commanded admiration and awe from all who laid eyes upon him.

The director had yet to notice him, however, as at that very moment Jungkook, along with two more actors, were filming and the man was focused on the cameras rolling and capturing the scene. P3 didn't bother to mingle in their work and casually made his way to a discreet corner where he could have a better view of the ongoing scene and allowed himself to quickly scan his surroundings, while in the eyes of the rest, he appeared as if he was inwardly critiquing everything and everyone.

 It didn't take long for an astute worker to rush to the director's side, whispering into his ear the unexpected news about the presence of the one and only Park Jimin.

P3 slyly observed as all heads turned, seeking him out, yet he maintained an air of ignorance, concealing the fact that his target was among those shocked by the news of his arrival. Standing right by the director's side.

 In the depths of Mr DuHo's consciousness, a profound realization took hold instantly upon his eyes making eye contact with Jimin's figure. Amidst the bustling crowd, he alone possessed the knowledge that he was not really the Jimin everyone knew of, even though he inhabited Jimin's body. P3 was the one in control and hence DuHo couldn't help but make a frightful assumption that there was a possibility of P3 having come all this way for him.

Mind games have always been a delight to witness. P1 I hope you don't mind ...I will borrow some of your tricks.

A knowing smile rose on P3's lips, right before the director rashly cut the scene and gave a ten minutes break before he waved at Jungkook urging him to go over to him and he did so cluelessly still as from the moment he had started filming, he had gifted all his attention on his role.

" Look over there discretely," The director commanded, his voice laced with mystery. "Park Jimin is here. " Jungkook followed his instructions and turned his head only to make direct eye contact with P3, who placed a wider smile and waved at him in the most friendly manner ever.

Jungkook's face remained impassive, a mask carefully crafted to hide his racing thoughts as from the moment you had informed him of Jimin's visit, he had thought things through and had concluded which behaviour would be more believable for him to keep on in order to convince everyone else that he supposedly didn't know anything regarding his visit.

" Do they have a shooting here, too?" He put on his confused expression as he allowed his gaze to return to the director.

 "I don't believe so. If that were the case, he would have arrived with a crew," Duho stated the obvious, causing the director to spiral into a frenzy. The presence of the industry's finest actor barging onto the set was no trifling matter. A misstep in handling the situation could cost him dearly, yet he could not let Jimin stay around no matter what.

Jungkook and him were rivals on the field. Jimin observing the filming process was equal to allowing a spy to witness their cards.

" Jungkook, go over to him and ask him kindly why he is here and do your best to send him off, without causing a commotion, please. " Jungkook looked over at his manager as the director pleaded with him to resolve this exactly as he had guessed that he would do.

" Don't worry. I am sure he must not have come by for trouble. Leave it to me. " Jungkook reassured the director with a comforting touch on his shoulder then gifted him a smile before he gestured to his manager to follow him.

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