Chapter 64

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Mirrors reflect more than just your face sometimes. They can become so uncomfortable that you might find yourself hesitating to meet your gaze. For behind that thin smile you had plastered which didn't reach your eyes, you were hiding chaos.

A storm of feelings, uncertainty and bitterness because the time was coming closer and closer when you had to face Jimin and lie right to his face. The thought only was weighing heavily on your chest however what else could you do in this state? 

The elevator's door slid open, making you snap from staring at your reflection and just step out of it, walking down the halls of the hospital with destination Jin's room. Certainly, Jimin must be in there too and that fact was what made you halt once in front of the doorstep and inhale a deep breath, encouraging yourself to cover your feelings and the truth that you were carrying on your shoulders, as skillfully as possible.

As you opened the door, you found Jimin seated on a chair by Jin's bedside, and Jin was awake but without his oxygen mask on.

"Good morning" You greeted with a smile, appearing as casual as you could manage while Jimin instantly stood up from his seat upon your entry 

"Jin, is so nice to see you awake. How are you feeling?" You gave your attention to Jin as you walked closer to his bed, feeling relieved that at least he was doing better and had regained his consciousness. 

"I won't die, don't worry. I won't deprive you of my presence." He flashed you a smile, as he joked, feeling happy to see you.

" He will be back to his old self in no time " Jimin reassured you as his gaze travelled from you to Jin then back at you "We are gonna take him out of the hospital soon."

" Oh? Already? Did the doctor say he was free to go? "You raised an eyebrow as you looked at Jimin, finding it strange that he was getting discharged so quickly when the doctor told you the previous day that he needed a lot of professional care due to his condition.

" We just can't leave him here. We won't have time to stay with him so me and DongMin decided that for his safety, it would be better to transfer him somewhere else. " Jimin explained as he paced around the bed and approached you. "DongMin is already taking care of finding the needed medical equipment, then we need to find a trustworthy nurse to look after him "

Upon hearing him mention a nurse, your mind instantly recalled the fact that your coworker MiOk had a sister who was a nurse "I know someone trustworthy. But the problem is that she already has a job " You uttered your thoughts out loud, thinking that MiOk's sister would have been a reliable person for the case since except for the fact that she was a nurse, she also had a black belt in Taekwondo which was a plus, considering that Jin was in danger.

"Give her a call, I will discuss the economic part with her "Jimin urged you as he was confident that he could strike a deal with the right amount of money. And certainly, he would pay any amount to ensure Jin's well-being and safety.

"I don't have her number but I will text MiOk and tell her to send it to me. The nurse is her younger sister I have met her too, once or twice. She is a pretty reliable person and strong-willed" You shared a bit of the information you had about her leaving aside the fact that she was a woman who had an attitude most of the time. But that was a small detail, worth overlooking when in times of need, as such.

"Great, do so." You retrieved your phone from your pocket as soon as Jimin gave you his approval to proceed and texted MiOk.

"What's her name?" Jin questioned you as you were typing away and you turned and looked at him right after you sent the message. " Her name is Mila."

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