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⚠️trigger warning⚠️ murdersmut

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Kaysia POV

Today was the day that i was gonna visit kamari.

it was also the day i hired two people to fake visit someone and cause a scene so that kamari could save the day.

this was the plan.

one man would be a loud visitor and then the other one would yell at him for being loud then they start arguing.

then one pulls out a knife from no where and stabs the other dude.

that's when kamari will come in and single handedly break it up, disarm the men, and then stop one from bleeding out.

i told her the plan two days ago and haven't heard from her since but that could be because she's in jail and doesn't wanna get caught with the phone.

i signed in and told the two men to get in position.

when they heard the word troubling they would start.

then kamari came out limping with her head down and my smile quickly faded.

"mari baby what happened?" i asked her as she sat down and looked up.

she had a big ass cut on the top of her eye that was raised and her face was all red and swollen not to mention the limp.

"my sister happened," she said and all i wanted to do was take her home and take good care of her but i couldn't.

"damn how big your sister?" that slipped out i meant to ask if she was okay but that can come next.

"she 5'11 and a fuckin super stud her ass prolly wear both straps to jail together if she could," she says.

"are you ok," i ask worried.

"yea the plan still on," she asked and i nodded yes.

"yup your sister seems quiet troubling," i said noticing that the guard asleep.

everything was going to plan and there was a camera in that room so i knew it would catch it.

"y'all chill," kamari says getting in the middle as one of the men got stabbed.

she grabbed the knife and threw it to the side where i had it under my foot.

then she calmed one guy down and took her shirt off tying it to the dudes wound.

there i noticed even more bruises that broke my heart but i tried to ignore them.

then kamari stayed on the one guy when the guard woke up.

"inmates get back," he yelled.

all of them got back except kamari.

"sir that man just stabbed him please i have to put pressure on it until someone else comes but please arrest that man." she says and he calls for backup on his walkie.

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