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               The vaccine we gave Rodriguez and Tod was a virus the RIA created. We call the virus "LIVED." The virus makes people so depressed that they commit suicide. Well, they're supposed to. It's our first time experimenting with the virus, so until we get comparable results, we can't tell for sure if everyone who is contaminated with the virus commits suicide. We can use it on the entire SIU if it works on Rodriguez and Tod. I thought it was a genius idea.

               We put the carbon monoxide in Tod's house so he could be our guinea pig—an experiment project. Then Rodriguez got in the way again, so we decided to make him an experiment, too. And it looked like it was working.

               Rodriguez was on top of the City View Lofts. Some people were gazing up at him, wondering if he would jump. Then we saw Samantha from our car window. She ran to the crowd of people and skidded to a stop. Catching her breath, she looked up at Rodriguez, lifted her phone to her ear, and called 9-1-1.

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