20 When Their Partner Embarrasses Them

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Pein had too much pride to ever admit anything wrong or embarrassing that he's done, but Konan would also know about those moments. You went to the kitchen where she always was for some reason. You asked her if Pein ever did anything wrong or stupid or anything like that.

"Nagato lost control of Pein before." Konan said simply.

"What do you mean?" You questioned, wanting more information than that.

"Pein was sitting on one of the towers in the Rain Village. Nagato lost control of Pein and Pein ended up falling off of the tower. It was a tall tower and when he hit the ground, the ground cracked and Pein had been injured." Konan whispered, as if she didn't want Pein to know that she knew about it.

"Wow that must have been totally embarrassing." You were shocked that the great Pein would make such a mistake.

"Pein had to be fixed, and Nagato had a horrible headache for a few months." Konan turned to leave but came face to face with Pein.

"Konan, why would you tell _____ that story?" Pein questioned, in a scary voice.

"She asked me to." With that, Konan was gone. Pein turned to glare at you next.

"Oh stop your scary glare, I won't judge you." You walked over to Pein and hugged him. It didn't seem to help anything, but he wouldn't dare kill you for knowing that story, right?


You didn't know much about Zetsu and it upset you. You decide that it would be best to ask Tobi for some information about your boyfriend, since Zetsu wouldn't tell you anything. You agreed to play a game with Tobi if he'd tell you information about your boyfriend.

"So what does _____ exactly want to know about Zetsu?" Tobi asked as he took his turn in the game.

"Has he done anything weird, or ate anyone weird, or anything like that?" You asked. You really were curious about your plant man.

"There was this one time...but Tobi shouldn't tell you about it." Tobi finished quickly. You leaned forward towards Tobi.

"Come on Tobi, tell me."

"All the Akatsuki were watching TV. A weed killer commercial came on and Zetsu ran out of the room screaming like a little girl!" Tobi giggled as he told you that.

"Oh my gosh, really?" You couldn't help but giggle too, until...

"Keep laughing and I'll eat both of you." Tobi and you turned to see Zetsu.

"Ahhh!" Tobi screamed and ran away leaving you there by yourself.

"I'm sorry?" You offered, but just got glared at in response.


Sasori told you whatever you wanted to know, but there were some things that he'd never admit. Like when he was embarrassed, or wounded on a mission. So there was only one place to go for such information; Deidara. You went to Deidara's room and asked him if Sasori ever made a mistake or did something embarrassing.

"There was this one time when Sasori my man had forgotten to oil himself up, hm." Deidara explained.

"What do you mean?" You were interested in hearing Deidara's story now.

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