23 When You Almost Die

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You had gone out on a mission with your boyfriend and his partner. They encountered a group of enemies and began fighting. You ended up getting caught up in it, which resulted in a bad injury.



You had collided with a tree and knew that your ribs were broken. You felt like you were bleeding from the inside but you weren't sure how. You had accidentally gotten hit by Pein's jutsu and were sent flying like the enemy.

"_____ I am so sorry, are you alright?" Pein asked, really worried. He watched you cough up blood and realized that no, you were not alright.

"Pein..." You whispered. You could see emotion on his face for once. Nagato was more there than he normally would be. You could feel his pain and see it all over his face.

"I'm going to make you better, don't worry." You could hear Nagato's voice. You nodded your head. Everything was starting to get fuzzy and you could feel the cold coming to you.

"I love you Pein...Nagato..." You felt your body just give out as you passed out.

"I love you too _____. I'll save you." Pein picked you up and began heading to someone he knew could save you.


You were losing a lot of blood. Your arm had been cut off and blood was just flowing out like a water hose. You were crying from the pain and the fear of death. Zetsu ran to you as soon as he heard your screams of pain. He saw the state you were in and wasn't really sure what to do at first.

"_____, can you hear me?" He called through your crying and screaming. You nodded your head weakly. He began to wrap your arm, trying to stop the bleeding. "I'm going to get Kakuzu, I'm sure he'll be able to help you."

"Don't leave me." You managed to whisper.

"I have to get you help."

"I don't want to die alone." You whispered.

"You're not going to die!" The black half yelled. "I'm going to get you help and you'll be just fine." Zetsu went into the ground, leaving you cold and alone. The pain and loss of blood became too powerful, and you began to pass out.

"I love you Zetsu..." You whispered to the air as you lost consciousness.


You were hit pretty hard by a log from a large tree. Your bones shattered and tore into your organs. Your body was now swimming in blood. Sasori flipped out. Sasori's emotions blew up and he attacked everyone mercilessly. Once everyone had been killed, Sasori went to your side.

"Are you breathing?" Sasori asked you, trying to be emotionless once again.

"For now." You choked out. Some blood was coming out of your mouth. You could see the worried look on Sasori's face. "You look worried."

"My emotions have seemed to come forward because of this." Sasori explained simply.

"Ironic. I'm about to die and you finally start to show emotion." You chuckled humorlessly.

"You're not going to die. I will keep you alive."

"How?" You asked as you started to slip away.

"I'll make you like me." Sasori said before adding. "I just hope you'll love me after this." With that, you slipped into a comatose state. Sasori picked you up and took you to his workshop. He was planning on making you a puppet, like him.

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