41 When You Get Lost and They Find You

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You had gone out on a mission with your boyfriend and got separated from him. You had no idea where you were or how to get to your boyfriend. You managed to get yourself lost in possibly dangerous territory.



You had been on a mission in the Rain Village. You knew it was the area Pein was from, and you also knew that it was normally a war zone between the villages on either side of it. Of course, another war thing was going on and you and Pein walked into it. You found a way to get separated from Pein in the middle of the war.

"Pein?!" You yelled out as you crawled away from the fighting. Pein was somewhere but you had no idea where. It was starting to scare you. You made it away from the fighting and hid under a tree. It was less wet there. You waited for a few minutes before it hit you how cold you were. You began to shiver so you got to the ground and huddled with yourself. You ended up falling asleep.

"_____ wake up." You heard as someone shook you awake. You opened your eyes and saw Pein. He had his cloak wrapped around you and you were in his arms.


"Why'd you disappear _____?"

"I couldn't find you. I was lost and cold so I came here."

"Don't do that again. I thought you got killed or taken by one of those men."

"I'm sorry Pein. I won't get lost again." You snuggled up to him.



You and Zetsu went on a spying mission. You didn't really want to go, but he made you go. He didn't trust you around the other guys when he wasn't there. He thought a guy would try something with you.

So there you were wandering around an empty ghost town wondering where the hell Zetsu was. He had told you to stay put while he checked something out. Of course you didn't listen. You saw a child walking into the ghost town, so you followed him. No one was there, at all. It was scary. Once you reached the town center, people started coming out of their houses. They were like zombie people.

"Zetsu!" You screamed as you ran from the people. They kept following you. You couldn't remember how to get out of the town. You kept yelling for Zetsu. Finally he came out of the ground and took you with him. He took you to safety and set you down.

"I told you to stay there." Zetsu said calmly.

"I got curious!" You snapped.

"Don't get lost again. I was worried." White Zetsu said. "I'll leave you behind next time." Black Zetsu said harshly. You glared at Zetsu.

"I won't get lost again." You began walking away.

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