First Call

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We were already one our way their. Once we met everyone they were all really nice and asked us some questions, we answered.
Then the bell went off. Our first call of the day. It was an arson call so APD was going to be their too. Once we got their the police weren't their so we had the clear to go inside.
I went inside first and noticed a kid in the corner I called Judd to get the kid. He grabbed the kid and I went to check out the house to see the damage and see if their were anymore people inside the home.
We went inside the house and TK, Judd, and Paul went to go the the West, while the rest of us went the North side of the home.
We saw a couple of smaller kids about the ages of 4-6. Marjone, and Mateo grabbed the two kids when I saw Judd coming back. I radioed the rest to let them know where he and I were heading. TK radioed back saying they were clear and the fire was almost out on their side of the house. We continued to try to put out the fire when we heard the APD sirens.
We heard the sirens and knew we needed to head back down since the fire was now completely out.
Their were supposed to be 2 cop cars and only one showed. The officer took the kids and adults statements and asked my dad if we saw anything out of the ordinary. I was finishing packing gear when my dad said we needed to switch places. Then the second police car showed up before me and my dad swaped places.

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