Who's He?

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My partner told me that we and another squad car needed to go respond to an arson case.
I asked her how we knew it was an arson case and she said that someone called it in because they saw someone set the house on fire.
She said the new 126 recruits were going to be their. I was wondering what the new team would like since the factory accident.
Once we showed up the other squad car was their. We came over to their car and the female officer said them asked the captain if he saw anything out of the ordinary.
"According to Captian Strand, the North side of the house showed an excelerator was obviously used inside and outside of the home. He said one of the firefighters from the West side saw the same marks on that side of the house."
I nodded as my partner wrote down the information.
I noticed that the other car showed up and I happen to see a very fine police officer get out of the car. He was fine and I mean fine, fine. I looked for a couple until my dad asked if I could ask the officers from the car that got their about seeing an excelerator. I guess I didn't have a choice. Once I finished my part of gear I went up to the female officer from car number 2.
"Hello ma'ma. Captian Strand wanted to see if you or the other officers saw the excelerator that might have been used?" She responded with,
"My partner and the other squad car are looking into it. Once we do then we will let Captian Strand now."
She smiled at me and I nodded my head. I went back to my dad and told him what the female officer told me. Just a few seconds later I saw that officer again. Talking to his partner this time and the female officer called my dad over. My guess to tell him about the possible excelerator. I look over to see the officer almost eyeing me down.

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