You Didn't Deserve That

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(Warning: talks of Domestic Violence, rape, using substances, abusive relationship, Alex, wholesome Tarlos)

I was so glad TK felt comfortable telling me about his relapses. I wish I picked up on it sooner like him not drinking at the bar but I thought he just didn't want to drink that night. I feel so bad TK had to go through that but I could tell he was much more happier knowing I am going to be their for him but upset he thought I wasn't. He got off my lap and sat back down on the coffee table.
"But their is more to the story then you think."
He said looking down and disappointed. "Hey I told you I'd listen and be their and I'm still here. Still here listening."
I said with a smile.
When he said those words I was so happy. I sat back down in my mind preparing for anything to happen.
"In New York, I started dating this guy after I came out to my parents."
I looked at him and he nodded his head. "He was so thoughtful and kind to me before we dated. We were friends for about 6 to 7 months before we were a thing."
I said gesturing my hands. I do that when I'm nervous and I think he picked up on that. He grabbed my hand and rubbed my hand saying,
"It's okay, take your time."
He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. "His name is Alex and I met him through Eli."
I said looking at him. He looked at little upset about me mentioning Eli since I haven't told him the whole truth but now I am and that's a start.
"When me and Alex first started dating, everything was going great. One night"
I stopped and looked down because this is so unbearable to talk about. He looks at me and tells me,
"Hey I told you I would listen and love you the same. I keep my promises."
I felt so bad TK went through his relapses but I really don't see why TK needs to tell me about this specific relationship.
"One night he went to the bar and didn't come home until about 3 o'clock in the morning. He went into our room and pulled me out of bed, and made me drink a bottle of Jack Daniel. That's when my addiction stated with alcoholism. He poured it down my throat so fast, I didn't even know what to do."
Is what TK told me while crying a little bit. I looked so shocked to hear what just came out of his mouth. I was so upset and this person for hurting TK this way. I got off the couch and squated down near his knees.
"Hey TK it's okay, you didn't deserve that at all and I'm glad you told me how this started."
I said smiling at him. He looked down and then back at me saying,
"Their is still more to the story."
He said smiling sadly at me. I honestly didn't want to know what else he's been through but him telling me is going to help him and I want him to be happy and now he can talk to me. I just don't want to cry on my day off.
"After that night, I couldn't see him the same. Every time he'd ask if I wanted to go out and drink my impulse control went out the window."
He said almost sobbing now, I hugged him until he gave me a sign he wanted to continue.
"One night he said I needed to stay home. He never told me why but I stayed home. I thought for a while, I should pack and leave but I coped with him. He came home after a few hours."
He said looking down I really didn't want to know what wad going to happen next but I need to know.
"He come home brusied up like he was in a fight. I asked him if he wanted me to clean him up. He said yes, so I went into our bathroom to get supplies and started to clean him up. After a couple minutes, he punched me in the face unexpectedly. I was so shocked I stayed on the floor. He then started kicking me so hard. He then just walked out the door and I layed their for a bit before cleaning myself up."
He said finally looking at me with such sadness and many tears in his eyes. I felt so angry and Alex for hurting TK the way he did. I also felt so amazed TK survived that one night and for being so strong. "I've delt with so many DV victims and I felt so helpless because I couldn't help myself that night."
"Hey you did everything right including surviving that night."
I said grabbing his chin and kissed his cheek.
"I was afraid that night because I didn't know he was going to make a daily thing. Once a day he'd punch me and then he would progress by doing more but making sure to never leave a trace."
He said holding back tears. Now I was just plain pissed. I was so ready to hold TK and show how much I loved him and protect him as much as I can. "
There were some nights where he'd force me go have you know."
He said gesturing sex. I looked so much more shocked then I've ever thought I would be.
TK is a DV victim and a rape victim.
Now and then Carlos would hold me or kiss me when I talked about what Alex did to me. I felt so relived to tell him and for him to be so supportive of me.
"He pushed me into doing substances as well. He always told me I should continue and never get help."
I said looking at Carlos. He just pulled me into the most amazing hug I've ever been pulled into. We held each other for a few minutes before I continued.
"The night I relaseped he told me that I should finish myself off and he told me he was having an affair. Then my dad found me and took me to the hospital. That's how I got here."
I said looking at him. Letting him know I finished and waited for what he had to say.
"TK, you don't realize how much my blood is boiling because of what you went through but it is why you're here. And I am so grateful you chose to share this with me because I want all the pieces of you that you think are broken and I will make them apart of me and I want to do the same thing with you."
He said smiling at me so brightly. I pulled him down into a kiss since he was almost hovering over me. We kissed so passionately before he pulled himself onto the couch and along side me. We held each other for a few minutes before we realized that it was already almost 1. "Let me make you lunch?"
He asked. I laughed and said
"Of course officer."
Pecking his lips and getting off his lap.
I am so glad TK felt the way he did and told me. I made him lunch and we just sat and talked for a while longer before going back on the couch.
"Want to watch a movie?"
I reply with. I lay my head on his lap while he picked a movie. We went with Beauty and the Beast .
Once it was decided, he ran his fingers through my hair.
"I used to watch this movie with my mom and she would always tell me how I would find someone who would treat me in such a loving way. I think I found him right here."
He said looking at me with his brighting smile. I pulled him into a deep kiss while we finished the movie. We made it into bed and cuddle.
"I know we don't want this relationship to run around sex but you always need to tell me if and when I do to much or to less when the time comes. After you told me about the non consensual part of that I want you to feel comfortable with me okay?"
I said.
"Of course, but just so you know I've always felt safe and comfortable with you since day one."
He said smiling brightly. He pulled me into a deep kiss before I got on top of him and then he let me know he needed air. We looked at each other with love. I layed my head on his chest while he played with my hair until I feel asleep. Dreaming about what was underneath me and our defined future because he is all I want until the end and forever on.

I Would Never Hurt You, I Will Always Love You T.KWhere stories live. Discover now