I Just Want Us To Talk

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He said his dad was okay with it.
"Did you and Captian Strand drive from NY or drive?"
I asked trying to start a conversation. "We flew but my dad didn't like. I'm not a fan of long drives. Nobody wants a cranky TK. I promise."
He said laughing.
"Why does Captian Strand not like planes. If you don't mind me asking?"
"No it's fine. After 9/11, he didn't want to get on planes. He was one of the responding officers and after that I remember my dad never being the same after that. Oh, and call him Owen. Once you and him start talking if you want that, then call him Owen."
He smiled a little. I felt bad for Cap- Owen and TK.
"Oh well at least you were there for him" "True he calms down once I get him to"
I nodded and we arrived at my place. Once we started walking there and entered the door TK told me I've got a nice place.
"Thank you"
He smiled at me and sat down on the Kitchen chair.
"You want anything to drink?"
"Yea a glass of water if you don't mind"
I nodded and got him a glass of water. "What's your favorite color?"
I ask. I mean I've got to cover the basics. "I like all the colors but it would have to be... blue or green."
I nodded and said mine was blue or black. He nodded as well.
We talked for a while covering basics about each other. At one point he asked me my sexuality.
"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."
He says,
"I'm gay, or a homosexual if that's better." I say he told me he was also gay. It was nice to know I've got a chance.
"When did you come out?"
He asked me.
"When I was teenager. I don't remember the age but my parents slowly came to realize it's not a phase. My mom was the most accepting but my dad did take a while to come around, what about you?"
I felt bad for TK but at least they came around to accept him.
"I came out at about 15 and my parents were raised old school so they never talked about it and don't ask"
"I'm sorry Carlos but at least that's better then them hating you for it right?"
I mean he isn't wrong.
"I guess you're right" 
He smiled at me and walked to go get some more water. I really hope he didn't come here just so we could sleep together. I'm not saying I didn't want to but we are just getting to know each other. I have come to accept the fact that I do have feelings for TK. I realized how late it was and was getting nervous because I didn't know if he wanted to stay or go home.
"I hope you don't mind me intruding my stay here, but is it alright with you if I could stay the night?"
I smiled because I felt like he was reading my mind.
"Of course that's fine with me but is Owen okay with that?"
It felt so different calling him Owen instead of Captian Strand. "Yea he says it's fine as long as you're okay with that." He smiled at me and I nodded my head as he sat down on the couch.

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