Chp 2

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She turned to meet an old, rusted, nine-millimeter pointed at her chest. A red light shone from between Vasquez's eyes. signaling her brother had Vasquez under his scope. He had moved silently to be by her side. Immediately the two brutes with Vasquez swung into action, cocking their guns at Isais who still had Vasquez as his next target.

Vasquez put away his pistol and signaled down his men.

"I had to see if you were all just talk. That was some fast maneuvering for one so young. It almost seems like you appeared from the shadows themselves."

Isaias scowled. "What are you getting at old timer?"

Vasquez grinned. "Nothing I think it best if we hurry to Don Arrio no?"

Vasquez laughed and kept on walking to the boathouse a red target following his every move.

Vasquez's cologne was nauseating Zen, and then they were out from under the synth trees and into the open. A two-story structure loomed ahead. A large ramp ran from the ground level to the second-level balcony, which was nothing more than a cement block upon which a glasshouse stood. Below that was more glass, showcasing the Arrio boats. Zen walked them over to the ramp and waited.

Isaias kept his gun trained on Vasquez, as he maneuvered himself up the ramp and to his uncle the Don. He kept a close eye on his target and his sister. No way some pendejo will shoot Zen while I'm around! Zen caught his eye and she lifted her jacket slightly letting the glint of her shavers show to him. That put him at ease and he made his way to his uncle who was waiting for a report. A tall man dressed in a white suit was quietly waiting for him.

"Isaias! Why did you break protocol," he asked swiping Mahogany locks from a wide forehead. His eyes were sharp as a shark's and just as hungry for blood if the case came to it which Isaias prayed it didn't. Isaias straightened his brown blazer.

"That asshole pulled a gun on Zen, uncle," said Isaias as he glanced down at the entourage that was collected just beyond the ramp.

"Vasquez only does such a thing if he feels threatened. Did you threaten him?"

"No uncle but sending two young kids to meet a dignitary was a bad move! Of course, he feels threatened by us."

"Nonetheless you proved yourself to him. Well done," came a monotone voice. Isaias turned to find another man built more like him, lithe and tall, walking from the backside of the balcony to them.

"Don Rodriguez? I didn't know you would be here sir," Isaias said bowing his head in the other Don's direction.

"My waterways are being used ergo I must be taken into account," he said reaching his uncle's side. "Well, shall we meet them Bernado?"

"His uncle sighed and nodded, heading down the ramp first.

Isaias worried about his mother. With her boss here, she's probably home by now. Boy are we going to get it!

As if reading his mind, Don Rodriguez smirked. "I did not know you two would be here. If I did I would have given your mother another task. She should be arriving home in ten minutes to the hour." He made his way down the ramp to Vasquez and his uncle.

He looked down at his watch piece and sighed. The gig is up! Mama is going to know we helped Uncle again.

Bernado ended his walk down and greeted Vasquez with a smile. He patted him on the back like brothers, "Hoy hombre! (Hey man!) How does it go in Argentina?"

"Arrio! Como siempre! (As always) It's a lot of work being rich and keeping yourself at the top! Too many tiburones (sharks) looking for a snack."

Crystal Mayhem Part 1Where stories live. Discover now