Chp 29

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Marco walked down the Guerrero building. As long as Don Rodiguez was here, he could walk around the premises. He passed the wondering Guerreros easily. He was out for a smoke. Simple yet effective. He wondered right off the premises, He would have to knock each one out. They were playing the game Chop the Guerrero where you had to be faster than your opponent or it was lights out. He and Isaias had played once. Neither could knock the other fully out but these Guerreros were lightweights, as one dodged right into the other's chop and collapsed. Marco raised a brow. Well, that makes this far easier. Isaias's luck must have rubbed off on me.

He used the wind to augment his speed slightly, appearing as a blur, and roundhoused the gun from the Guerreros's arms before karate chopping him in the neck as he had done to his comrade. He fell to the floor. Marco had to teleport as a beam went crashing into one of the cars sending the alarm shrieking.

"Don't move," said the guard pointing his gun at Marco.

Marco tsked and teleported behind the tall male, a small blaster pistol held to the guard's back.

"Drop the gun," said Marco twisting the nozzle of the gun into his back.

With a loud clatter, the guard did so and Marco sighed. The alarm was giving him a headache. He sent some sharp wind to cut the alarm cord and looked at the guard. "You couldn't have done that quietly?"

The alarm stopped and the guard shook his head.

Marco shot him before racing across the lawn and finding the gate that led out of the Arrio compound. He began climbing. He didn't want to use his abilities when he could easily climb the gate. The way it was decorated was perfect for him and crooks everywhere. He stood still at the top as voices became more pronounced. Then he leaped down landing on his feet. He ran off into the night passing the Guerrero compound. The slot scooters came into view and he made a quick derivision to one of them. All that was needed for these was a chip all Guerreros were given at initiation. He pulled his out, a round disk, and inserted it into the ident chip slot before stepping onto the motorized scooter and driving off. He rode the scooter to the entrance that Isaias had shown him, to a sewer system that linked Arco Iris with Villa de Marron. He would have to traverse the sewers on foot.

Marco took the scooter and folded it into his dimensional pocket before removing a flashlight and unscrewing the lid to the sewers. He jumped down into the muck of the sewers and wondered how Isaias with his cleanliness habits could traverse down here. The sewers were deep canals. It smelled of rotten trash and dank, still, dirty water which trickled down the canal from the side pipes. Marco stepped into the ankle-deep water. He assumed these canals flooded when it rained. He could almost hear Isaias's voice. It was necessary. I had no choice!

Marco grinned and began his trek down the dark corridors. He shone his light catching the rear end of a really big rat. He scooted backward. No sense in running into one of those. Isaias said they could be vicious when pushed. The farther he went, the more he had to hunch down until he was almost crawling through the muck and dirty water that covered the ground. Up ahead, there were voices. Likely one of the neighborhood gangs. A slant of light could be seen coming off two flashlights.

"Alright Johnny Boy hand it over," said a muscle-bound brute.

"Hand whata over. I ain't gotta nothing!" answered the other slightly slimmer boy.

"Android fluid. I know you were hitting it pretty hard back here."

"Do I looka high to ya!"

"You're always high Johnny B. That's the problem."

Crystal Mayhem Part 1Where stories live. Discover now