Chp 6

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A few months later...

Isaias grunted as he kicked another fool in the face. Beside him, his fighting partner was going through the schmuck's memories. His partner's blue hair was a few hues darker than Nathan's. His smokey grey eyes held the shmuck's gaze as he rummaged through his head for information.

"He came from the north sector and we have a host of these guys waiting for us there," he said letting the schmuck go and clucking him on the head. The Schmuck lulled to the ground. Isaias gritted his teeth and helped his partner up.

"Can't catch a break in this FUBAR mission can we Marco?" He said facing the north and slinging his standard-issued weapon over his shoulder. All trainees had a chip implanted in the Pariel lobe from where the guns gained their signal from. They spent months learning the shape of a cartridge because it was up to them to imagine their rounds. Depending on how fast they could do this depended on how long they lived. It was a hard thing to manage. Along with that, the weapon needed to be charged to work.

He checked his now. A little above halfway. Good. Enough to take care of a few pendejos as long as he didn't use the laser or blaster. He could only use his gun unless he hacked into the system of another gun which was said to be impossible. My middle name.

Marco turned his slighter frame towards him and nodded before dashing out of their hiding space and towards the north. It was their job to secure the north sector for this mission. They ran across barren ground littered with green shrubs here and there. They were mighty close to the Deadlands. On the borders. Their tech still worked for now. Isaias squatted down beside Marco and took stock of the hand seals he was making. He sighed. Why don't you just read my mind? I'll answer back. Marco looked annoyed. I'm practicing as should you.

Alright! No need to get defensive. It was just a question!

Isaias huffed and made the hand seals for clear. Marco looked over his shoulder and confirmed which ticked off Isaias. He gave him the bird sign and Marco scoffed. What, did I step on your toes or something?

You could learn to trust me, Marco! That's what training partners do!

Do they?

Yes! Duck!


Isaias shoved Marco's head out of the way and shot at the intruder that was behind him. He glared at Marco and shook his head before moving past him to the dilapidated building up ahead. Marco followed him silently. Isaias turned to his fighting partner and signed quickly before moving ahead.

I didn't catch that!

Two on the roof and two on the floor. Which do you want?

The roof.

Isaias smirked. "I got the floor. Be careful," he whispered before seeming to merge into the shadows. Marco's eyes widened and then he made his way to the roof by some stone steps outside the building. The roof was an open concrete square barring some satellites. He squatted behind one large satellite and observed his quarry. One gang member was resting against another satellite while the other stood talking to him nonchalantly.

Both boasted stolen rifles and older pistols. These were likely the guns they would use then, not needing chips to handle them. Marco smirked, collected his element into his palm, then pointed it at one of the schmucks and let it go, blowing one clear off the roof. While the other collected himself, he swept in and shot him dead. Now to find the other one. He's most likely dead or Isaias is handling him as we speak.

Marco walked down the stairs.

Isaias grunted as he roundhoused a schmuck into a flimsy straw door. He slid unconscious to the ground. He spun and avoided a whip to the face. A crack of the whip had him dancing from the schmuck's reach and leaving him enough time to slide into the shadows and disappear. He trailed whip schmuck and snuck behind him, pulling him by the whip. He let the whip fall. Isaias caught the whip and smirked. "Let me show you how to use this," he said cracking the whip and wrapping it around the schmuck's neck, yanking. The cracking of bones filled the air. The schmuck fell to the floor dead as Marco appeared in the room looking for schmuck four.

"Did you get everyone?" he asked Marco

"Maybe," Marco said shrugging.

Isaias narrowed his eyes and sighed. Being with Marco was a test of patience. He was trying really he was, but the guy was a pain. It was no wonder no one wanted to have him for a partner. Still, there was something about him...the shadows moved and Isaias shot into them. A dead body dropped out of them.

"Maybe...really Marco," he sighed as the simulation suddenly stopped.

"Simulation Success."

Their surroundings melted into a white room and Isaias walked out of the room before turning to Marco.

"Your Maybe could have gotten us killed on a real mission. Think on that for a while," he said before turning around and walking away. Marco scowled. He knew that! He also knew that no one wanted to be his partner and Isaias had volunteered. He slung his gun over his shoulder and walked to the showers. He checked to be the only one there. Good, he was alone. He took a shower and went over the mission conceding that he had been rude and less than idyllic to Isaias. As he combed his chin-length hair he sighed. Maybe I should apologize?

He left the stalls as some Guerreros were coming in. He tied back his hair and searched for Isaias finding him in the middle of a large group laughing and cajoling with others. He watched as one Guerrero made a comment and Isaias laughed before patting him on the back and mentioning something that had the group in stitches. Marco hid behind a wall and frowned. He has it so easy. If I could I would...but I can't.

How was he going to apologize to Isaias with everyone there? He'd have to wait for lights out then.


Isaias caught blue hair out of his peripheral again. Either they were going to the same place, or he had a stalker, and considering he was heading towards his room where his roomie from hell also lived, this was better done in a private space. He stole a left, then a right, then another left, until he was in front of the Guerreros library. Isaias opened the doors and snuck inside, knowing they'd be alone for their rendezvous or whatever Marco wanted. He picked the farthest desk and sat down after turning the desk lamp on with a swipe of his thumb. Sure enough, Marco's blue hair rounded the corner and his clear grey eyes met his. He never noticed how captivating they were nor had he ever seen them look so determined and shy at the same time.

He decided to start. "Hey, Marco. Whatcha need?"

Marco blushed before clearing his throat. "A-about earlier? Thank you for being my partner, Isaias. I know I'm not easy with."

Isaias sighed and steepled his hands. True Marco was a nightmare but it came from somewhere possibly from childhood. There were a few guys like him in his gang and he never judged them. He wasn't going to judge Marco for the same thing but..."You've got to open up more in training if you want better results. I mean have you heard your monicker?"

Marco scoffed. "Princess? I'll prove them wrong I just can't be touched by guys right now. I...wig."

Isaias sighed afraid it was something like that. He stood to leave before turning. "Tell ya what. I'll be your partner from now on if you learn more sign language."

Marco smiled. "Deal!"

Crystal Mayhem Part 1Where stories live. Discover now