Chp 20

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Stephan walked up the gangplank and met his crew. "We've got some drifters riding with us for now. My siblings and another guy. He's the brother of the wounded girl who is our target. She holds the crystal. Kiera, she needs your healing aid as she was wounded with a serrated blade."

"Yes, Captain," said Kiera. She gathered Zen in her arms and walked to the med bay of the ship bypassing Val and Marek who were reclining on a couch in the common room. The ship was larger than it looked on the inside with two hallways and several rooms. Kiera headed for the largest room on the right side. It was well equipped with med beds and all sorts of medical equipment. From heart monitors to scanners of all sorts.

"Nice room," Isaias muttered following Stephan through the room. Stephan laid Zen on a bed. Kiera was busy injecting a pain reliever into Zen's bloodstream. Isaias watched as Kiera's eyes became lights and she lifted Zen's shirt exposing her wound to the open. The patch had fallen to the side and fresh blood was slowly leaking in places where her shirt had been torn from her wound.

Kiera pressed the two pieces of shredded skin together and hummed softly before shaking her head. "I'm going to have to cut her deeper and get clean skin to knit together. This skin is too jagged to piece together."

Stephan winced. "That's kind of brutal Kiera."

Kiera looked up and cocked her head. "Would you rather she bled to death? My sensors tell me the blade nicked a major artery. She won't stop bleeding till she's dry."

Isaias' gaze left Zen's colorless form and he nodded. "Do it."

Kiera grinned and her arm pulled back transforming into a blade. She swiftly cut a deeper cleaner slice into Zen's side. Zen let out a small groan of pain, and the blood gushed out of the wound. Kiera paused to knit an artery back into one piece Then the arm turned into a stapling gun. Even Isaias winced at that. This is going to hurt like a bitch! I'm sorry Zen. This shouldn't be happening to you! Damn it! He squeezed his fists until his knuckles were white. Marco came over to him and grasped his hands which by now had little moon-shaped slivers cut deep in the palms.

"She's strong Isaias. She can take a stapling gun to the side."

"Not without screaming the ship down Marco, so I'd cover your ears...Now!"

The first staple went in and a loud screech broke through the ship.

"Dang! She's loud," whined Marek from the common room.

The staple gun went down again.

Another scream and another..Then she resumed stapling until all twenty-one staples were in and Zen's throat was hoarse from screaming.

Kiera sighed and her arm returned to normal."She'll rest for a few hours and be good as new. Those staples are biodegradable and will melt off when the wound heals. I knitted the artery back perfectly so there should be no internal bleeding."

"Thank you Kiera that was.." began Stephan.

The ship suddenly tilted on its axis knocking almost everyone for a spin.

"What the hell was that!" yelled Stephan as he ran for the pilot room.

"How should I know Stephan? You're supposed to be the pilot!" Marek replied "Bringing it up on the screen," he said touching a yellow symbol on the big screen in front of him.

A sleek black craft was seen floating next to the ship, its thrusters burning lightly. It was hovering. Stephan walked over to the intercom system and buzzed them.

"This is Captain Stephan Marquez of the SMVK. You do know that you have just rammed us, right?"

"Give up the girl!"

Crystal Mayhem Part 1Where stories live. Discover now