Chp 26

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Marco placed a comm on Carmelo's and waited for the click.


"Mr. Carmelo? It's nice of you to invite me over."

"I'll send some cars."


Marco turned to Isaias and nodded. "Assuming he got the message...."

"He did," said Isaias.

"Then we can expect a car in about thirty minutes taking into account that his compound is on the other side of Arco Iris."

"I'm assuming he's sending more than one since he has no idea which visitor space we are in?" asked Isaias crossing his arms.

"If he's as smart as you say he is then yes," said Marco wanting to brush against the agitated male in comfort. All he could do was brush his fingers along Isaias's arm to calm him. Isaias did calm, taking his gesture for what it was. He brushed his fingers across Marco's fingers in thanks and uncrossed his arms before walking to the med room where Zen had awoken in a daze.

"Have we landed," she groaned as Kiera helped her sit up on the med bed.

"Yeah, Marco called Carmelo and he's sent some cars but he had to be vague so it'll take a while," said Isaias as Kiera applied a patch on the wound and nodded.

"The stitches will have to be taken off by some personnel. They aren't biodegradable but the staples are. You should be fine as long as you don't overexert yourself. Infections are still a possibility so get plenty of rest," she said, piercing Zen and Isaias with her stare.

"I'll make sure of it," said Isaias gulping and Kiera nodded.

"I have some painkillers but they are very addictive. Take one only if absolutely necessary," she said brandishing the bottle of pills and handing them to Zen who stored them in her dimensional pocket.

"Don't worry Kiera I won't abuse them. I can take a bit of pain," she said as she slowly edged off the med bed with Isaias's help. Marco watched the twins turn from the room, to find his sister sketching on a sofa. Smiling he walked to her and peeked at what she was drawing. A battlefield. A very realistic rendition with two sides clashing and men dying on either side. Lots of dead bodies and a shiny figure covered in water in the center, hand outstretched. He frowned. She was too young to have seen a battlefield unless...

"I haven't seen one thanks to Stephan but he's seen loads. He doesn't sleep," she said.

"He looks fine?" said Marco.

Edline looked him dead in the eye. "You shouldn't have run Marco not without us. You should apologize at least."


"You don't understand! Who do you think got that An Shrank mission you left behind?"

Marco's eyes widened and his arms wrapped around Edline's shoulders. Of course, she saw the battlefield through her thoughts. "Edline I'm so sorry!"

Edline shrugged him off. "I'm not the one you should be begging forgiveness to. I didn't take the mission, Marco. Stephan did and he hurt afterward right here and here," she said pointing to her head and heart.

"But he can't read" Then horror widened his eyes and he gazed at Edline. "You say his head hurt?"

Edline nodded. "The worst headache. Momma was afraid he'd die before she got the information from him and sent the healers to him for once."

"He did something dangerous," he said.

"Yup, to save me. You need to apologize to him, not me."

Marco wasn't sure if Stephan would want his apologies. After the brain hemorrhage, he surely must have given himself, he also had to live with the execution of thousands of lives maybe more if his mother used him as she used Marco. It could have been prevented if I had taken them with me but I panicked and this is the result.

Crystal Mayhem Part 1Where stories live. Discover now