Chp 9

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The mess hall was crowded as always for lunch. Loud voices echoed through the halls and the sound of clinking silverware filled the space in between conversations. Isaias stood near the end of the serving line wondering about what it was about Marco that truly attracted him. Maybe I shouldn't have told Zen and where did she find a pineapple and an orange? She knows I'd pick an orange they're my favorite fruit.

The drill sergeant walked into the large room calling for attention. He should have been listening closer but his mind was too cluttered to think of complicated sentry duties. Marco sighed and stepped on his foot causing some reaction in him as the sergeant began to talk.

"Tonight! You and one other will be given the role of guard to one of four sections. North, South, East, and West Quadrants will be overrun by the Eskeleto gang and your job will be to find what is lost and bring it back to headquarters safe and sound. This is a real test. The people will be real. The killing will be real. Do not freeze out there or your lives are through! Is that understood?"

"Yes, drill sergeant!" Screamed the trainees.

"There will be competition and you are allowed to hurt each other as there is only one thing to bring back to headquarters! Friendly competition is allowed! Killing is allowed on the enemy, not your comrades! Am I clear!"

"Yes, drill sergeant!"


The Guerreros and trainees went back to eating lunch except for all conversation now revolved around the test.

"I wonder what we'll have to fetch?" Marco asked before chewing his hamburger.

Isaias dipped his fries in Mayoketchup and chewed shrugging. "I bet it's some dignitary or something."

Marco's eyebrow rose. "They wouldn't trust trainees with a dignitary, Isaias."

"Well then maybe a treaty of some sort? We won't know until tonight. Let's go to the library after lunch since we don't want to tire out before the mission."

Marco nodded and took another big bite of his hamburger.

Isaias watched as he blotted out a bit of ketchup with a napkin. At least he isn't a pig.

He was still trying to figure out what attracted him to Marco in the first place.

While he and Marco were scouring the library, looking for anything about the Armargaritas. Isaias's father wasn't a nobody as he had thought and he was convinced there would be more hidden within the archives. As he traversed the library on one side, Marco traveled on the other. Isaias almost passed it if it wasn't for the big Amargarita sign on the book cover. A raven flying into a sunset. It was a large tome, an old tome titled "Historical Lands of the Amargarita."

Hey, Marco, I found something!

Marco stopped perusing his side and came over to Isaias who had opened the book and was staring wide-eyed at the contents. Isaias glanced at Marco and shoved the book at him. Marco took it confused. He closed it and studied the title, eyes wide.

"I can't believe this was hidden from me! This could have helped me when I was thirteen and defending my family. I didn't have to join a gang and be treated like trash before Nathan and Shea found me. I could've done something for myself and my family--had some shelter at least while we healed from Dad's betrayal," he sighed gripping his hair. He looked at his timepiece.

"We better have dinner. We don't want to go to the mission on an empty stomach."

Marco placed the book on a nearby table and approached the distraught teen.

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