Chp 16

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Zen stretched and yawned." You wouldn't happen to know where we are now would you?"

Isaias pointed at the rusty sign overhead and unsealed his water bottle. "Drink," he said.

Zen scrunched her face in disgust. "You know I brought mine too, right?"

"Yeah, and we're trying to keep supplies lasting here, Zen," Isaias said. "Drink, you're going to need it."

"Alright, geez! No need to hang me for it," she muttered while drinking from the water bottle after wiping her mouth off with her shirt. It had a slight ashy aftertaste as a consequence but rather that than her brother's germs. She walked around in a circle taking in the brick buildings and forlorn homes.

It's a ghost town.

Isaias spoke first. " Alright, the Arrio know of some nomads that live around these parts but we can't count on uncle so I vote for checking if there are any tech spots around here. We can call for aid."

"We can call Carmelo. He would help us," Zen said, smirking at her brother's groan.

"Who is this Carmelo," asked Marco, curious as to what would tear that sound free from Isaias.

"He's another Don and he's also..."

"Our mom's boyfriend," Zen finished grinning.

"Yeah, that!"

"What's wrong with your mom having a boyfriend?"

"It's a Don for crying out loud! She'll have to bend to his rules!"

Zen laughed. "Can you see Mom bending at anything? If anything, it'll be the other way around!"

Isaias snickered."Carmelo has no idea what he's getting into, does he?"

"None. Now what about these nomads," asked Zen crossing her arms.

"They prefer the word phantom. They are the people who refused to leave these hulking masses behind and live in newer homes. They are tech wizards, building technology out of what was left behind and some are said to have gifts with metal," said Marco.

"Some are said to eat metal," said Isaias as he leaned in towards Marco who was staring at the tall buildings on the skyline. His head brushed Marco's.

"I think we should separate...Isaias, what are you doing?"

"Nothing!" He said, pulling back and walking a slight distance away. He yawned and stretched.

"He's tired," Zen muttered as she walked over to Isaias. "You carried me awhile. That tired you. Before that, you had two broken ribs. You are not a droid, Isaias."

"Hmm," Isaias murmured.

Can we find someplace to sit down and rest? Isaias needs it," said Zen poking at her half-conscious brother. "Hey don't fall asleep! I can't carry you and Marco won't do it either."

"Sure, sure. Let's move it!"

Zen, Isaias, and Marco entered the city.

It was an eerie, quiet place with tarps rustling in the breeze. The city was a graveyard of broken buildings and cement walkways littered with the occasional rusted lamppost. Further down was a cracked bridge and even further was a bus.

"Chicago was among the last cities to be evacuated by ordinance 39 after the asteroid blast and the Caldera explosion. The citizens were that stubborn and still many chose to be phantoms," said Isaias.

"We should split up. There are only a few hours of sun left," said Marco.

Isaias nodded. "Alright. Marco, you take the north side as it's the biggest and you can teleport. We'll take the east and west. I don't think there is much in the industrialized area except factories."

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