Chp 10

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Pablo opened his eyes and blinked. It was dark here and he was surrounded by bodies. Had he been taken captive? He grabbed his gun that was lying beside him and sat up. Something moved and he shot at it. It stopped moving. There was a scream and then more movement. He shot again.

"Pablo! You ass! What are you doing?" Isaias yelled as he kneeled to check Feria. Pablo killed her. What a great time for my teammate to wake up.

He rolled the girl's body over and shut her eyes, then he faced his trigger-happy partner.

"You are shooting your comrades!" Isaias said as he approached Pablo. Marco ran in to check on Feria but she was gone. He sat on his knees stunned as blood caked his hands from her bullet wound to the head. Pablo was an excellent marksman even in the dark.

Isaias approached his disoriented partner carefully. He didn't want to end like Feria.

"Pablo, you are safe. The Eskeletos are gone. You are surrounded by comrades in healing. Everything is fine," Marco said his eyes glowing slightly.

Pablo put down the gun and stood." Has anyone found the Juaquin guy yet?"

Isaias nodded. "I found the kid. He's asleep right now after having his ribs set."

"Cool! Then we can leave these schmucks and make it to headquarters now."

Isaias glared at Pablo but Marco nodded. "Yes, since Isaias found him he's yours but can he rest a little more? He's just had his ribs set and he's only eight by my estimates."

Pablo scoffed. "Old enough to get involved with a gang of killers, old enough to suffer the consequences. Get im Isaias."

"Pablo, Marco is right he needs to rest."

Pablo's gun pointed at Isaias. The whites of his eyes shone through the dark. "I said get him! I want off this damned island now!"

"Don't point that thing at me. I'm your partner."

Pablo changed victims and pointed his gun at Marco instead. Isaias growled.

"Damnit Pablo we aren't the enemy! I'll get the kid, hold on, and don't shoot!" Isaias warned as he went to the back of the cave and scooped the little boy up in his arms. He walked back to the cave but Pablo's reaction to seeing Juaquin was...brutal.

"Hey! I saw that kid take down a Guerrero! He's one of them!" He yelled pointing his gun at Juaquin's sleeping face. His hand was shaking.

Isaias held Juaquin tighter. "He's the thing we are looking for Pablo. You can't kill him."

"Why not. No one said anything about bringing him alive."

Isaias stepped into a shadow to better hide himself.

"No one said anything about having your partner alive either!" He pointed his gun at Isaias and shot. Isaias disappeared within the shadow and quickly made his way to the opening. He didn't look back once. He hoped Marco could get free of the looney tune of a partner he had.

By now the other Guerreros were up and watching a fuming Pablo as he got up unsteadily and made to run past the entrance.

"He's not getting away with my prize!" He shouted as he passed the others before a crazed look overtook him and he pointed his gun at the entrance of the cave and began shooting.

"You guys know too much. I can't have witnesses."

The Guerreros were stunned as he began to shoot them down like Eskeletos. Marco growled and grabbed his gun shooting back. He grazed Pablos's earlobe with a bullet.

Crystal Mayhem Part 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant